Detroit/MSU Spartan Life

I am calling it right now that Neal McDonough"s character will end up betraying MJW's character because that dude always plays the a$$hole bad guy.
I am calling it right now that Neal McDonough"s character will end up betraying MJW's character because that dude always plays the a$$hole bad guy.
Maaaaaaaan if you never saw Blood and Bone get on that shyt immediately
that brother was whoopin so much ass my body was hurting by the end of the film
MJW a special breed of ass kicker
Maaaaaaaan if you never saw Blood and Bone get on that shyt immediately
that brother was whoopin so much ass my body was hurting by the end of the film
MJW a special breed of ass kicker
yo whats the part when he was suckin on ol girl tittiesword..09 was his year of excellence between that and black dynamite
suppose to drop october 28th