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@Master Teacher
Imma start off with you'r most recent post.
It's may be a fact that Trayvon was capable of beating Zimmermans ass but it may also be true that Zimm could beat his. So this 'fact' means nothing. More speculation
Zimmerman had a history of violence according to what? He was never convicted of nothing...& neither was Trayvon, they both had a history of violence if we are to believe hearsay. So having a ''History of violence'' is not fact & really means nothing here.
As for Zimmerman persuing him at a point that's a fact, however it's not a fact that he was pursuing him to the point of confrontation & saying ''Zimmerman pursued him'' and neglecting the testimony of Trayons friend saying that Trayvon had already made it home therefor had to have went back out looking for Zimmerman when he was on his way back to his vehicle is distortian
Racial profiling, following, none of that means sh!t, what really matters is Zimmerman was carrying a weapon as a toy cop when he wasn't supposed to, so even if it was self defense, it's manslaughter, period. You just knew the trial was over when the prosecution entire closing arguement was based around the emotive of Trayvon had his whole life ahead of him etcidiots.
you seem more objective then most on this matter and i salute you for it, i just find some of you'r 'facts' to be a little misleading.
Trayvon was whooping his ass then Zimmerman decided to pop him.
The kid didn't deserve to die.
In my opinion Trayvon had the right to stand his ground against a stalking lunatic who had no right to question him.
Having said that I do believe Trayvon was heading down the wrong path(after looking at his text messagez,facebook,myspace)which is why his mother sent him off to his father's house.
Even though he didn't deserve to die is it possible he was checking out houses to rob that night and if so would that change your opinion?
All of the burglaries in that area were of young black men.
I had behavior problems just like Trayvon as a kid (7 years old) but luckily after moving in with my dad he was able to straighten me out real fast. If it wasn't for him I would probably be like Trayvon or in jail.
Bingo. That kid lived through and died during the worst nightmare a kid could ever have. Being followed by a stranger in the dark. And he doesn't have the right to defend himself? Oh, and btw, what's with this shyt that TM looked suspicious because he was cutting through complexes in the rain? Who the fuk takes the long way home when walking through the rain? No one could ever convince me that GZ is innocent of murdering a unarmed teen. Shyts disgusting.
So in other words it's okay to beat up someone who you think may be following youI respect that, but the law doesn't, keep that in mind when you wanna take the law into your own hands
So in other words it's okay to beat up someone who you think may be following youI respect that, but the law doesn't, keep that in mind when you wanna take the law into your own hands
@ 17 not being a kid
have you never gone back to your old high school to look at kids now and think got dayum they so young.....I don't remember being that young at 17
shyt I just turned 25 and most kids in college look like kids to me
I'm guessing this has to do with race. Its only black kids that cacs are willing to treat like adults even when they are children.
This video is better than OP....way better:
The Truth About George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin - YouTube
@ 17 not being a kid
have you never gone back to your old high school to look at kids now and think got dayum they so young.....I don't remember being that young at 17
shyt I just turned 25 and most kids in college look like kids to me
I'm guessing this has to do with race. Its only black kids that cacs are willing to treat like adults even when they are children.