Fact of the day. How many of you brehs know that Mike Vick is right handed?

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
I am ambidextrous. But i'm also 30 now so over the years things have affected which hand I use for what. Originally, I wrote with both hands but i had a teacher who saw me and asked what I was doing. I said "My hand got tired so I am using my other hand, I use both :youngsabo:." My teacher said "put both your hands in the air...now put one down...sit on it...now write with the other one. :sitdown:" Being a child, I didn't notice anything wrong with it, just a challenge. My mom noticed when I was drawing soon after and asked why I was only using my left hand and I told her what happened. Maaaaan, moms came up to school and went clean the fukk in on that old cac broad. I don't remember what she was saying but the aggressive ass tone she had. :whew:. In any case, since then I wrote only with my left but everything else was a toss up. I throw a football with my left, throw a baseball with my right but I bat lefty. Basketball I shoot left but when I drive, my right is my dominant hand. I use a spoon exclusively with my right hand but fork only with my left, knife with either. I'm a southpaw boxing but power leg is my right. Some of it has to do with whats more comfortable, whats stronger or injuries changing things. With baseball I remember when I first started learning to play, I threw/batted one way but then I broke my arm and was in a sling. When I was healthy enough, I didn't remember which way I played so I just did what felt comfortable.
