African Peasant
You just described majority of the interactions that you have with people in life. Rappers have freedom to say what they really think and feel,more than anybody in the world. Yet somehow you think I would know my coworkers better because I watch them do their "task".. You really think people act the same at work as they do in their real life with people they really fukk with?Some do,but many do NOT. Yet from seeing the person long enough and hearing their thoughts,I still have a perception of what I think the person is like. At your job right now,people have a perception of who they think you are.
Work is real life. People are the same in most area of their life. Cameleons are extremely rare. You can fake your behavior for 1 day, not everyday. Most people do not have that ability.
Plus, you can learn about someone just by being with him everyday, even though you're not his confident or friend. You'll know a lot about someone's mind just by looking at the way he handles his work, how he respond to authority, how he acts under pressure, the way he interacts with his colleagues, etc.
You can't be on control mode everyday at work. It's impossible.
You can't have that with a rapper. You're just seeing what he wants to show you since he controls the ways the media portrays him.
And the idea that rapper have freedom is a joke. Rappers are saying anything that will give them MONEY ! There are playing a game.
Anyway, keep believing you know these people.