I read and re-read everything and here I am thinking "so where's the part that supposed to shock me? I see nothing wrong with destroying shrines infact I encourage it, how u gonna call urself a Muslim and also worship dead so called saints from centuries ago? these acts lead people away from True Islam and have to be dealt with!
Miss me with likening leveling graves to "destroying" ancient cities.
Beside that, the rest of the article seems far fetch from the truth!
An Islamist can't even kick a can down the street these days without the west saying "a Jihadist affiliated with Mumbo Jumbolaliya terrorist group was spotted tossing a grenade unsuccessfully by the road".

Why is it so hard for FUNDAMENDALISTS to COEXIST with other religions even if it's only present in the form of tombs, monuments and shrines...
they ain't bothering you fool.....
plus you don't realize how INFLUENTAL alot of these prexisting religons were in the establishment of ISLAM...
The KAABA itself as well as the city of MECCA was full of so-called "PAGAN" objects of worship
just like the numerous MARRABUTIN SHRINES of north africa...many of these figure prominently in the esoteric doctrines of various Sufi sects...
your ignorance and intolerance almost mirrors those of these inbred bible thumpers that reside in the South....
Boy You need to stop