Extremely Important Announcement!!


Dec 31, 1969
Is this forum running on the vB 3 or 4? Why not move to 5?

We're on 3

4 is :scusthov: and 5 is a complete joke. Out of all the vbulletin boards on the internet .5% use vb 5 :laugh: im not sure how they're going to stay in business when no one buys their new shyt. they've been on a downward trend for a long time.

edit - moving to 5 would AHH us by the end of the weekend
Let me preface by saying that I've been a vBulletin customer for over 10 years.

vBulletin, at one time, was the pinnacle of forum software. Gradually however, it has completely lost its way among other forum software competitiors. In my opinion, the fall started when it was aquired by Internet Brands a few years ago. Most of the original vBulletin founders and creators left the company, leaving it to careless corporate management and incompetent developers.

That said, the problems started with the incarnation of VB4, which debuted under the new management and developers. It was basically an update of previous software code written by the vBulletin founders. That's when the problems started however, when the new incompetent developers started adding to and mangling the original code. It has gradually became useable forum software, but is still very server resource intensive and bug riddled. Not to mention, no major updates have been made to it in almost a year. Coincidentally, development seemed to cease on VB4 around the time VB5 development came into full force, thus customers using VB4 were left in the dark.

That brings us to the newest vBulletin incarnation, VB5. Needless to say, VB5 is shockingly awful. Seemingly written by coding amateurs, it's buggy, slow as molasses, server intensive and lacks a tremendous amount of features that VB4 offered. Also lately, new versions seem to be rolling out at a snails pace, with little in the way of improvements. It's basically a shell of what vBulletin once was.

To add to the fire, vBulletin employees also seem to have issue in dealing with their paying customers. As one myself, I've personally been treated very condescendingly by the staff/moderators. They seem to have no professional regard for what they say, with little to no common courtesy. Posts in the vBulletin forums that don't praise them or the company seemingly either disappear or are closed by the staff, thus leaving hardly no way to give advice toward improving the software. Also, often very snide remarks are made by staff before a thread closure.

To sum it up, if I were in the market for forum software, I would NOT use vBulletin. There are many great alternatives out there for much cheaper prices, a ton more features and staff who care and aren't flat out rude..

A formerly great software rode into the ground by lousy management.

Was a long time user of this software. Version 3.x was the premiere software at the time it was released. Since then, with new owners, new developers, and (just as important), serial departures of staff- developers, customer service reps, project managers, and marketing folks, this software needs a post-mortem. Not only does the current software version (5.x) not work in a production environment, but they never fulfilled their promises about what would be delivered in 4.x (after promising many features, when new staff came on board, they disavowed ever making the promises).

In short, the current state of vBulletin is a mockery of what it once was. If the phrase "Buyer Beware" ever had a more applicable meaning than for those who might buy this software, I can't imagine what it might be.

If you buy this software, understand that they will not guarantee that it will work, and if you want a refund, they will deny it as they have a policy that once you download it, you bought it (though, this seems to fly in the face of consumer protection laws...some have reported success with disputing charges with their credit card issuer).

If I could give a lower rating than one star, I would. If you have the misfortune of buying this software, I feel bad for you.

An absolute disaster!

Internet Brands has trashed this once great forum software. What was once the market leader in forum software is now not just a mere shadow of its former self but an unmitigated disaster on a scale that simply cannot be believed.

vBulletin 3.8 was great forum software, then Internet Brands got their grubby corporate hands on it and destroyed it. vBulletin 4 eventually became usable forum software but vBulletin 5 is absolute garbage and isn't fit to be installed on any live website.

This company does not care what its customers think, suggest, or need. They are only interested in the bottom line and it shows. The result is furious customers, third rate forum software and a gradual, slow decline into obsolescence.

If you're looking at purchasing forum software go with Xenforo or IPB. vBulletin is a sinking ship and it is going down fast!

i could go on all night with reviews like that

The War Report

Apr 30, 2012
The Empire State
We're on 3

4 is :scusthov: and 5 is a complete joke. Out of all the vbulletin boards on the internet .5% use vb 5 :laugh: im not sure how they're going to stay in business when no one buys their new shyt. they've been on a downward trend for a long time.

edit - moving to 5 would AHH us by the end of the weekend

i could go on all night with reviews like that

This nikka said vb5 :russ: what part of xenforo being the best forum software on the planet don't you get? Do you want the best or do you want some bullshyt?

Edit: :laff:



Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Look pretty similar to me.

Whats this shyt about new mods and me not being mentioned? :birdman:

@bk @Brooklynzson
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Apr 30, 2012
I'll be out most of tomorrow anyway so I'm straight as long as da coli is up TONIGHT



Hanging em up
Apr 30, 2012
80's babies
Damn I support the old shyt get skipped for the new shyt. I see you @bk :ufdup:
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