explain how the world bank and IMF are holding Africa backThe IMF and World Bank need to be dealt with before anything substantive can happen. The politicians are simply their puppets
explain how the world bank and IMF are holding Africa backThe IMF and World Bank need to be dealt with before anything substantive can happen. The politicians are simply their puppets
explain how the world bank and IMF are holding Africa back
Sub-saharans need to start calling out their corrupt politicians and overthrow them if need be
The IMF and World Bank Are Major Causes of Poverty in Africa | Global Envision
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were set up during the end of the World War II to rebuild the economies of Europe. However, in order for the world bank and the IMF to implement their policies, they began offering loans to poor countries but only if the poor countries privatized their economies and allowed western corporations an almost free access to their raw materials and markets. That was a poverty trap and many poor countries realized it when it was too late.
Are cacs controlling resources in the Caribbeans to?
The problem with Ethiopia is its landlocked status. Its extra expensive to ship anything out of Ethiopia and hecause the country only uses one port (Djibouti) to ship things, it extremely slow and bottlenecks are common. Its made it difficult to attract foreign investment and create an export oriented light manufacturing industry, diversifying the economy away from agriculture. Its almost impossible to create export industries without soveriegn ports. This is the reason most populous landlocked countries are poor and struggle to create manufacturing hubs. This is why the Eritrean issue is so important to Ethiopia. The creation of Eritrea by Italy was meant to ensure Ethiopia continues to be impoverished and isolated. If Eritrea allowed us to reclaim parts of southern Eritrea which has no economic value since its mostly hot desert and is sparsely populated by the nomadic Afar people who number less the 60,000 and are native to Ethiopia then Ethiopia could become the manufacturing centre of Africa. Eritrea justifies is existence on the premise that they had an autonomous region called Bedre Negash in Northern Eritrea. The Afar region of Eritrea which Ethiopia is interested was never apart of that region and the Afar people are more connected to Ethiopia since most of their population(90 percent) live in the Ethiopian danakil depression, so the Highlander Eritrean government has no legitimate claim to Southern Eritrea and is only holding parts of southern Eritrea to ensure Ethiopia maintains it landlocked status quo. The despicable Rashaeda Arab clans who are responsible for the kidnapping and deaths of so many Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees have more coastline than Ethiopia, a country of 100 million despite the fact that they came from Saudi Arabia 200 years ago. Its the epitome of selfishness on the part of the Eritrean leadership. Its basically economic sabotage, this issue will ensure that both nations will always be hostile to one another.Climate change could result in less food/resources. It doesnt help that Africans are breeding at a rapid rate that the world has never seen before
Source - http://allafrica.com/stories/201511181807.html
Beautiful nations. I could name almost every country on the continent.by that time half the dudes on the coli will be down there and the ecnomoy will be booming
btw for those wondering
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Congo (Brazzaville)
Congo (Democratic Republic)
Côte d'Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
The Gambia
Liberia Madagascar
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Western Sahara
Figures......The IMF and World Bank Are Major Causes of Poverty in Africa | Global Envision
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were set up during the end of the World War II to rebuild the economies of Europe. However, in order for the world bank and the IMF to implement their policies, they began offering loans to poor countries but only if the poor countries privatized their economies and allowed western corporations an almost free access to their raw materials and markets. That was a poverty trap and many poor countries realized it when it was too late.
The IMF and the World Bank didn't hold Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria etc. by gunpoint and say, "TAKE OUR fukkING LOANS!".
To a large extent, it's the fault of these countries leaders who made poor economic decisions.
Do some reading. learn about the history and procedural structure of the imf and world bank. Come back and we can talk
The problem with Ethiopia is its landlocked status. Its extra expensive to ship anything out of Ethiopia so its very hard to attract foreign investment and create an export oriented manufacturing industry, diversifying the economy away from agriculture. Its almost impossible to create export industries without soveriegn ports. This is the reason most populous landlocked countries are poor and struggle to create manufacturing hubs. This is why the Eritrean issue is so important to Ethiopia. The creation of Eritrea by Italy was meant to ensure Ethiopia continues to be impoverished. If Eritrea allowed us to reclaim parts of southern Eritrea which has no economic value since its mostly hot desert and is populated by the nomadic Afar people who number lees the 100,000 and are native to Ethiopia then Ethiopia could become the manufacturing centre of Africa. Eritrea justifies is existence on the premise that they had an autonomous region called Bedre Negash in Northern Eritrea. The Afar region of Eritrea which Ethiopia is interested was never apart of that region and the Afar people are more connected to Ethiopia since most of their population(90 percent) live in the Ethiopian danakil depression, so Eritrea has no claim to Southern Eritrea and is only holding parts of southern Eritrea to ensure Ethiopia maintains it landlocked status quo. Its the epitome of selfishness on the part of the Eritrean leadership and this will ensure that both nations will always be hostile to one another.
We tried with Liberia before but SHTF and we were phased out by the natives there. Eventually civil war came about and the country crumbled to pieces.im disgusted with most countries in Africa....im convinced we (Aframs) could do a better job with our own country
We tried with Liberia before but SHTF and we were phased out by the natives there. Eventually civil war came about and the country crumbled to pieces.