A man who
- Makes terrible business decisions
- Chose his white wife for her genes to breed children with (let anyone else do this and y'all would
- Hasn't shown he gives the slightest fukk about the black community
- Using his children to build his own legacy
I'm sure there are MANY black entrepreneurs out there who need the support y'all are giving Lavar.
He's not a martyr for this shyt, if this goes south he loses NOTHING, Lonzo does tho.
Please tell me why he deserves the support he is being given.
#1 makes terrible business decisions: debatable. I couldn't tell you the name of the #1 pick's little brother from any other draft in history. He has done an astonishing job branding his sons so far. In regards to the shoe deal, I completely understand that it seems crazy and wild. But everyone who pioneers anything seems crazy. How I see it, this may be an insanely disruptive move in 20 years. Nike and Adidas will have to change their model if this catches on. If I was the #1 pick, why would I sign to Nike for X million (which is a percentage of what Nike will make) when I can make Y million (ALL of the money Nike would make). Now, I get that it may not work out for Lavar and Lonzo perfectly (or at all) but trust me, being independent will change the landscape of how athletes in the future structure their business...and that takes guts, vision, and actually very high business acumen
#2 chose his white wife - I wouldn't tell you to respect or disrespect anyone based on their spouse. I don't worry about who anyone else is sleeping with so I guess I'll give this one to you
#3 Hasn't shown he gives the slightest about the black community - I get if you want to not respect him for this, but I think you are expecting too much from a kid from UCLA's dad. He's a sports dad (and at BEST - not according to you - a small business entrepreneur), he's not a "role model" or a "public figure" or politician. I don't know if I would ever look to him for his take on "black issues"...it's just not his role in my personal head.
#4 using his children to build his legacy - Until you know the man and his children you don't know his true in his heart motivations. He takes the publicity shyt storm but his kids are branded as fyck. We know them, we are "interested" in them. And all they have to do is play basketball. He is tarnishing his own name, his own image, in order to market and brand his sons. Maybe this is the plan. Maybe he said "I'm gonna be an arrogant prick so that everyone is talking about me and it brings attention to you kids...all you need to do is play basketball."
NOW, I know I could be wrong as well (I don't know him) but if you look at things from a different lens you can reasonably see that maybe his motivations are actually for his children.