Per the owners of SOHH, please refrain from advertising the sites/forums for the new website that was created by defected SOHH members. Please also refrain from advertising that site in your threads, posts, avatars, and anywhere in your profiles here on the SOHH forums. The owners feel that, due to the nature of discussion on that site, it is not in SOHH's best interest to have their forums promoted on our boards.
Please be advised that you should remove any such link/material from your profile immediately if it is there now. If you are asked by a mod or admin to remove a link/material, you will be expected to remove it, or face potential disciplinary actions. A mod or admin may also choose to simply remove the offending content rather than ask the member, if they choose to do so.
Thank you for understanding. The owners appreciate your cooperation, and loyalty with regard to the best interests of the SOHH forums.
The owners, Administrators, and Moderators