Ex-Redskins RB Clinton Portis was ready to commit murder until friend talked him out of it


Apr 30, 2012
nikkas really talkin about putting all 40 mil in a wack ass savings account :scust:
At most you invest it in low risk, stable investments.

And for goodness sake, don't allow anyone access to your bank account.

But hey, these dudes grow up around white ppl smiling and telling them how great they are from the time they're 10-11 yrs old. So of course they trust them


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
I don't blame him...my biggest fear in life is to have millions of dollars and then somehow lose it...my quality of life would be so low at that point i wouldn't give a second thought about clapping somebody behind it...


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
Why do these cats feel like they HAVE TO invest the money.....the money they make in salary IS the money average cats can only pray to make through investments......why not just put the shyt in a savings and checking account buy a house...couple cars and sit the fukk down til sunday.....:stopitslime:

You makin 43million....invest for what:hhh:.....soon as these cats land a contract some cac money manager is in they face tellin them to invest their money ...."it's the right thing to do financially":smugfavre:..... No it isn't.....if you clearing 43milion over 9 years.....no need for investments ....just save in a good interest bearing account......investments lose value,good interest bearing savings accounts don't :yeshrug:

Cosign......while I do think you should invest some of it, if you have no idea what you're doing and have no one around you that you can actually trust it makes more sense to just put it in a bank account than to go some some white financial advisor that you don't know.

ESPN did an Article on Mayweather and people were criticizing him for having a bank account with 123 million in it as opposed to investing it. He's clearly the smart one.

Most of these guys lose their money trying to make investments in all types of dumb shyt, from restaurants to casinos.

Boxing: The end of Mayweather's era


It had just been suggested that Floyd's visits to Grand Rapids could be pinpointed through an uptick in county sales tax revenue when he calls me over. He looks around to make sure nobody is watching before holding out a slip of paper cupped in his right hand. It is a bank slip, and Floyd is watching me watch it as my eyes attempt to focus on the balance. I look at the numbers spread out across the thermal paper. I had heard that Floyd does his banking the old-fashioned way: going inside, talking to a real-life teller. He is also known to be a big proponent of maximum liquidity. Still, the amount of digits spread across the bottom-right corner doesn't seem possible.

I look up to see Floyd smiling. He begins to laugh. I say something unintelligible about too many numbers. I'm not sure what prompted this. Perhaps he mistook my look of fatigue for disapproval? Given his spending habits, is he concerned with pre-empting the inevitable talk that he will end up broke? Or is it simply one more example of the man's hubris? I look down one more time to make sure I got it right. And yes, it's right there, 11 numbers long.

There is more than $123 million in Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s bank account.

He nods, folds the slip and says, "One account, baby."


Apr 2, 2017
43 mil? He really only saw 40% of that due to taxes. Honestly, I dont know the best way to maintain your money.

rich don't maintain money. they grow money. rich becomes much richer. you never maintain your money.

it's retardedly easy to grow wealth when you have wealth. and 30 mil becomes 50 mil. 50 mil becomes 100 mil. very very easy. all you have to do is do what everybody else is doing. keep a damn conservative portfolio!!!!!!!


from now on all athletes with big contracts should do what AI did just in case for future's sake. because these nikkas so damn reckless with their money.


Apr 2, 2017
Cosign......while I do think you should invest some of it, if you have no idea what you're doing and have no one around you that you can actually trust it makes more sense to just put it in a bank account than to go some some white financial advisor that you don't know.

ESPN did an Article on Mayweather and people were criticizing him for having a bank account with 123 million in it as opposed to investing it. He's clearly the smart one.

Most of these guys lose their money trying to make investments in all types of dumb ####, from restaurants to casinos.

Boxing: The end of Mayweather's era


do you think investors would just put $ in the bank account?

if he safely invested 50 mil of that on an index funds that 50 mil would've grown to $380 mil in 30 years with 7% interest rate which is super conservative. at 10% rate it goes up to $870 mil!! yes there will be a hiccup. IT'S OK! THINK LONG TERM.


only an idiot keeps the money in the bank.

don't go around listening to a damn snake oil salesman. go do a super conservative and let the power of the compounding interest take over. LONG TERM, BABY, LONG TERM.
  • Dap
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Sep 28, 2012
do you think investors would just put $ in the bank account?

if he safely invested 50 mil of that on an index funds that 50 mil would've grown to $380 mil in 30 years with 7% interest rate which is super conservative. at 10% rate it goes up to $870 mil!! yes there will be a hiccup. IT'S OK! THINK LONG TERM.


only an idiot keeps the money in the bank.

don't go around listening to a damn snake oil salesman. go do a super conservative and let the power of the compounding interest take over. LONG TERM, BABY, LONG TERM.
The vanguard s&p 500 index has averaged 10.71% return since inception... He could have put his money on autopilot


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Cosign......while I do think you should invest some of it, if you have no idea what you're doing and have no one around you that you can actually trust it makes more sense to just put it in a bank account than to go some some white financial advisor that you don't know.

ESPN did an Article on Mayweather and people were criticizing him for having a bank account with 123 million in it as opposed to investing it. He's clearly the smart one.

Most of these guys lose their money trying to make investments in all types of dumb shyt, from restaurants to casinos.

Boxing: The end of Mayweather's era


Nah, breh. Keeping $123 million dollars in a savings account is hilariously stupid. Not only is it a security risk in terms of having that much money in one account, a bank only secures up to $250K IIRC. And pays ridiculously low interest rates. So he's giving the bank $123 million dollars to loan out and he's getting in return an abysmal interest rate and imo, an uneasy feeling as commercial banks aren't set up to have that much cash from retail non-enterprise customers. This is why they have private wealth departments at Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan. For people like Floyd. Just waltz your ass up to New York, demand to see the top portfolio manager at Goldman and let him manage your fund. Not some dinky shady ass guy you met at an NFL party. The guy whose already managing nine figures and servicing clients 10x richer than you. And if you scared of risk, have that manager park all your money into US bonds. That's about as safe as it gets and it pays better than a freaking savings account. If US bonds fail, than we all have bigger problems to worry about in that scenario, especially Floyd with all his money parked in a savings account in a bank in a country that just defaulted.

You have to invest your money otherwise it loses purchasing power over time. $1 million dollars used to have the purchasing power of $5 million dollars back in the 80s. In the next 40 years, $1 million dollars will have the purchasing power of $400,000. So instead of just picking up a book (or 30 books) and educating yourself on money, you'll just be cool with your money dwindling in value over time? That's silly. Just pick up a damn book and learn. There's so many SAFE things you can do with your money that doesnt involve trying to play Wall Street. You can just park it in an index/mutual fund (put it in Vanguard) or buy treasury bonds. So now you're earning a safe 5% or more instead of nothing in a savings account. These players losing their money aren't doing that. They're being manipulated by shady investors who're promising them 20% returns, investing in the next "Facebook" or a new property development that's going to make tons of money. And I doubt they got fleeced by a money manager from Goldman Sachs because people managing billions of dollars don't have time to steal from athletes with $50 million. They got fleeced by some shady ass cac like Andy Garcia off Ballers who promised them crazy deals they should have known were too good to be true. You basically saying not to learn how to have basic financial literacy because other people made stupid decisions with their money. That's like not learning to drive because your friends drove drunk and died in a car crash.
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night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
The vanguard s&p 500 index has averaged 10.71% return since inception... He could have put his money on autopilot
I have a 401k with 3 different companies, one of which is Vanguard. When I left my last job in Sept. I had 119k in the Vanguard 401k. I have not added 1 cent to it and its at 134k...9 months later


All Star
Jun 1, 2012
Nah, breh. Keeping $123 million dollars in a savings account is hilariously stupid. Not only is it a security risk in terms of having that much money in one account, a bank only secures up to $250K IIRC. And pays ridiculously low interest rates. So he's giving the bank $123 million dollars to loan out and he's getting in return an abysmal interest rate and imo, an uneasy feeling as commercial banks aren't set up to have that much cash from retail non-enterprise customers. This is why they have private wealth departments at Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan. For people like Floyd. Just waltz your ass up to New York, demand to see the top portfolio manager at Goldman and let him manage your fund. Not some dinky shady ass guy you met at an NFL party. The guy whose already managing nine figures and servicing clients 10x richer than you. And if you scared of risk, have that manager park all your money into US bonds. That's about as safe as it gets and it pays better than a freaking savings account. If US bonds fail, than we all have bigger problems to worry about in that scenario, especially Floyd with all his money parked in a savings account in a bank in a country that just defaulted.

You have to invest your money otherwise it loses purchasing power over time. $1 million dollars used to have the purchasing power of $5 million dollars back in the 80s. In the next 40 years, $1 million dollars will have the purchasing power of $400,000. So instead of just picking up a book (or 30 books) and educating yourself on money, you'll just be cool with your money dwindling in value over time? That's silly. Just pick up a damn book and learn. There's so many SAFE things you can do with your money that doesnt involve trying to play Wall Street. You can just park it in an index/mutual fund (put it in Vanguard) or buy treasury bonds. So now you're earning a safe 5% or more instead of nothing in a savings account. These players losing their money aren't doing that. They're being manipulated by shady investors who're promising them 20% returns, investing in the next "Facebook" or a new property development that's going to make tons of money. And I doubt they got fleeced by a money manager from Goldman Sachs because people managing billions of dollars don't have time to steal from athletes with $50 million. They got fleeced by some shady ass cac like Andy Garcia off Ballers who promised them crazy deals they should have known were too good to be true. You basically saying not to learn how to have basic financial literacy because other people made stupid decisions with their money. That's like not learning to drive because your friends drove drunk and died in a car crash.
I understand the point you're attempting to make but for argument's sake Bernie Madoff stole billions from folks this way. If it was my bread, I'd just open my own accounts and keep someone on payroll to advise and research. Trades will ONLY be executed by myself