Evolution in the Arcadium http://www.the-coli.com/images/smilies/yeshrug.png


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Chewy and I are different people. I don't have any "rank" on him. If he wants to merge your thread or move it, I have nothing to do with it.
Chewy was clearly pulling rank on you tho.
That nikka tried to come behind you and undermine what you already said
I'm not trying to start nothing between you and him, I'm just calling it like I see it. not even how I see it, how he said he'd do :hula:
But thats for you guys to work out. I'll leave it at that...
Okayyy? Sorry if the explanation sounds emotionless and technical, but evolution is sort of a hard concept to grasp. I mean, we're not exactly talking about something simple. I don't know how to explain it any other way.


What do you mean, "missing link"? There's nothing missing. We have the link in the fossil record

[Typical Douche-bag Coli Post] You have kids, and I've seen ya baby moms, breh. :huhldup: [/End Douche Post]

Sorry, I really couldn't help myself. :laugh:

No but of course you can't reproduce with a monkey ... BECAUSE IT'S A DIFFERENT SPECIES! That doesn't mean both humans and chimps aren't from a common ancestor.

We've conducted experiments with fruit flies and other plants and animals with short lifespans/quick reproduction. When breeding these flies, after a certain number of generations, they stop being able to reproduce with one another. They're still technically flies, but there are now two distinct species of fly, biologically. It's the same for humans. Technically, we are genetically chimpanzees, but we are just further removed ... millions of years removed, in fact. Really wrap your head around that amount of time. If speciation can happen within say.. a couple of years for those flies, multiply that by four to ten million, why can't something similar happen with chimps and humans?

What do you mean, solve this shyt? It's BEEN solved. Scientists have already proven evolution. It's just uber-religious and dumb fukks that perpetuate this meme of evolution being "just a theory".

I'm sorry that it's hard for you and Katt Williams to believe, but that's where the evidence points. What you're doing is making an argument from incredulity. How about actually go to school, study this stuff, and find the "real" truth and turn evolution on it's head. You'll be famous if you can disprove it by being the first.

First off, they didn't prove a muthafukkin thing. Just like Weapons of Mass Destruction, they told you some bullshyt and you now saying its fact.
Show me this link that is no more missing :dry:
Where is the proof, cuz some white dude in a lab jacket told you he had proof?
If there was PROOF, there'd be no argument. You don't believe in religion, thats cool. I believe because I've been spoken to by the mos high :lawd:

If the best you can come up with is "well, flies couldn't fukk anymore"
Thats fukked up for flies, but I'm not a fly. I'm not a monkey either.
Your logic is flawed just off of common sense bruh. A monkey and I share the same ancestor. But after millions of years, we can't fukk no mo' :dead:

Ok, lets look at your version of history then.
Two monkeys fukkin... then one day, one of those monkeys cant fukk no more with the other monkey (hey, must be evolution)
Somehow, one side grows into humans. The others stay as monkeys.
Then slowly, we go farther into humandom.. monkeys go there way
1million years later, here we are. And you can prove this because you was told they found a bone that links us :what:

Tell tell you anything, lets just believe it then ok.
First off, fukk a monkey, we Lemurs now "MISSING LINK" FOUND: New Fossil Links Humans, Lemurs?
I knew I liked Penguins of Madagascar for a reason

Here's how we got here bruh...

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creeps upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good... 31 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


May 1, 2012
Chewy was clearly pulling rank on you tho.
That nikka tried to come behind you and undermine what you already said
I'm not trying to start nothing between you and him, I'm just calling it like I see it. not even how I see it, how he said he'd do :hula:
But thats for you guys to work out. I'll leave it at that...
You're missing the point. Chewy and I are different people that are entitled to handle things in different manners. The fact that I got here first doesn't give me any "rank" over him. In my opinion, that's why multiple mods exist in the first place.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Where is the proof, cuz some white dude in a lab jacket told you he had proof?

No. You can do the research yourself, and the scientific process works. Sorry that you live in denial.

If there was PROOF, there'd be no argument. You don't believe in religion, thats cool. I believe because I've been spoken to by the mos high :lawd:

Riiightttt. Because when there was proof that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe, religious folks didn't fight tooth and nail to suppress that information. :rolleyes: Sorry man, but history has shown us over and over that religious thought has always combated scientific discoveries when it conflicted with their dogma. Whether it's the fact that the Earth is round, or living things evolve over time, rational people will drag the religious kicking and screaming towards truth. You may think you have the truth already, and you may think you have some sort of connection with some mystical being in an alternate dimension, but you don't. I know that probably hurts, but you are not special. Honestly, if there was a God, why the fukk would it want to talk to you of all people??

Again, religion is EGO posing as humility. You are no more in-tune with the supernatural than a Muslim, Mormon, the ancient Greeks/Egyptians/Romans/Nords. It's all bullshyt, and it's bad for you.

If the best you can come up with is "well, flies couldn't fukk anymore"
Thats fukked up for flies, but I'm not a fly. I'm not a monkey either.
Your logic is flawed just off of common sense bruh. A monkey and I share the same ancestor. But after millions of years, we can't fukk no mo' :dead:

Common sense? What is that even? For example, does it make sense that we revolve around the Sun? Can you feel the Earth moving? No, but that doesn't make it not true. What makes sense to us has no bearing on what is actually true. Which is why we rely on a particular method to determine what is true and what isn't about our reality. And what is that method? Is it praying to Jesus, and hoping he tells us the answer? No, it's about removing whatever biases we may have, making observations and conducting experiments -- and having others also do experiments and confirm or contradict our findings. The scientific method is the single most reliable way we find truth about the universe, and to deny that is to either not understand how the process works, or a willful decision to be ignorant because it makes you more comfortable. I know it's more comforting to believe that there's a God that created you and watches over you and speaks to you when you are down ... but there's no confirmable evidence to think you are doing anything more than talking to yourself.

Ok, lets look at your version of history then.
Two monkeys fukkin... then one day, one of those monkeys cant fukk no more with the other monkey (hey, must be evolution)
Somehow, one side grows into humans. The others stay as monkeys.
Then slowly, we go farther into humandom.. monkeys go there way
1million years later, here we are. And you can prove this because you was told they found a bone that links us :what:

No. Again, you have an elementary-level understanding of the process. It's not two monkeys became a human one day. My fly example was to show that we've proven that speciation can happen in animals. And on a long enough timescale, the result might look radically different than it did before, even if it's genetically similar.

Tell tell you anything, lets just believe it then ok.
First off, fukk a monkey, we Lemurs now "MISSING LINK" FOUND: New Fossil Links Humans, Lemurs?
I knew I liked Penguins of Madagascar for a reason

Here's how we got here bruh...

Yeah. Again, it's not that we came from lemurs, or lemurs came from monkeys, or any of that shyt. This article is confirming what I'm trying to explain, which is at some point, millions of years ago, there was some other primate to which we all derive. Lemurs, I guess, are more distantly related, but still part of the same evolutionary branch. You're an ape, get over it. :shaq:


said what he said
May 2, 2012
TBH I didn't even read the thread before I was ready to toss it.

Didn't try to undermine Kodie.

No matter what: you're a shytty poster now, Court.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
You're missing the point. Chewy and I are different people that are entitled to handle things in different manners. The fact that I got here first doesn't give me any "rank" over him. In my opinion, that's why multiple mods exist in the first place.
Its like in football when multiple refs rule on a play. But the difference here is he wasn't ruling on the play like a judge. He ruled like if you gave one of my fanboys modding powers. Even said "If I get 5 nays" like if that should determine if the thread should stay? Look at his reply afterwards...

TBH I didn't even read the thread before I was ready to toss it.

Didn't try to undermine Kodie.

No matter what: you're a shytty poster now, Court.
See what I mean. He didn't try to undermine you, but he didn't read anything at all :wtf:
That is undermining you, whether he meant to do it or not is secondary
And the way he's carrying himself as a mod is already getting off to a terrible start.
Is it a surprise that his lack of professionalism is happening around Cockmeat threads?
Maybe he likes cockmeat :manny:
No. You can do the research yourself, and the scientific process works. Sorry that you live in denial.
I don't live in denial, you do bruh.
See, you are denying the existence of a creator. You have no spirituality bruh. You have no sense of self. If you take it back in time a little bit, you might of known that the very people who created science also believed in a higher power

Whatchu gotta say about that :yeshrug:

Now you fast forward today to the time of Armageddon where know it all such as yourself repeat whatever you was told. I was introduced to Religion, but my faith now stems from my experiences bruh.
But people like yourself always talk as if you know the person your talking about.
You say all the things we do/say/think. But all your doing is talking to yourself, you make up lies to yourself, then you say thats what your opponent is :snoop:
Riiightttt. Because when there was proof that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe, religious folks didn't fight tooth and nail to suppress that information. :rolleyes: Sorry man, but history has shown us over and over that religious thought has always combated scientific discoveries when it conflicted with their dogma. Whether it's the fact that the Earth is round, or living things evolve over time, rational people will drag the religious kicking and screaming towards truth. You may think you have the truth already, and you may think you have some sort of connection with some mystical being in an alternate dimension, but you don't. I know that probably hurts, but you are not special. Honestly, if there was a God, why the fukk would it want to talk to you of all people??

Again, religion is EGO posing as humility. You are no more in-tune with the supernatural than a Muslim, Mormon, the ancient Greeks/Egyptians/Romans/Nords. It's all bullshyt, and it's bad for you.
See, this part of your post is you trying your hardest to discredit religious people in general. Then you referred to history :russ:
Well history once again has Religion in it, don't it. So some person didn't believe the world was round?
Ok, didn't know religion was based on if the world was round. Does it say in the bible that the world is round?
What religion said it was mandatory that the world be flat?
If a person of a certain religion believed the world was flat, is that the way GOD intended us to think? NO, so what is your point exactly?
You don't have one. Now for my connection with GOD. You say I don't have one?
Now you really feelin yourself here bruh. Science can't prove a lot of things
You still can't say how Stone Henge was built, but you tryna tell me you KNOW there ain't no GOD though :skip:
You have a hatred because you don't understand. Your mind can't comprehend something greater than you existing. Thats your problem
You have to submit yourself to the Lord, not the other way around.
Until your ready to do that, you won't see/feel anything. GOD will not shine his grace on you.
Common sense? What is that even? For example, does it make sense that we revolve around the Sun? Can you feel the Earth moving? No, but that doesn't make it not true. What makes sense to us has no bearing on what is actually true. Which is why we rely on a particular method to determine what is true and what isn't about our reality. And what is that method? Is it praying to Jesus, and hoping he tells us the answer? No, it's about removing whatever biases we may have, making observations and conducting experiments -- and having others also do experiments and confirm or contradict our findings. The scientific method is the single most reliable way we find truth about the universe, and to deny that is to either not understand how the process works, or a willful decision to be ignorant because it makes you more comfortable. I know it's more comforting to believe that there's a God that created you and watches over you and speaks to you when you are down ... but there's no confirmable evidence to think you are doing anything more than talking to yourself.
No confirmable evidence to who exactly? How do you want to confirm it???
You'd rather deal with a bunch of potions like you Dr.Jeckel while wearing a lab jacket?
You can confirm it yourself. You choose NOT TO. You feel that even trying is so absurd that it just can't be. And anybody who tried, is just dumb
But why do these people still believe? Why such large numbers?
I guess they all just dumb cuz they try. And your smart cuz you know it all
I mean.. science says two flies couldn't fukk after a while, so we all lemurs bruh...
No. Again, you have an elementary-level understanding of the process. It's not two monkeys became a human one day. My fly example was to show that we've proven that speciation can happen in animals. And on a long enough timescale, the result might look radically different than it did before, even if it's genetically similar.
Thats cool and all. But how does that prove we are Monkey/Lemurs?
Your going off a weak ass assumption based on flies. Thats really your YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH SCIENCE proof?
nikka, science doesn't even understand speciation yet. Everything is still highly debated amongst the scientific community, but here you are regurgitating everthing as fact... cuz its science of course :stop:
Your first post.. I said it read like a cyborg? Cuz you just repeating word for word shyt. You not even speaking for yourself here. You gotta let the info set in... process it yourself... then determine. You only at the remember stage of your education...
Yeah. Again, it's not that we came from lemurs, or lemurs came from monkeys, or any of that shyt. This article is confirming what I'm trying to explain, which is at some point, millions of years ago, there was some other primate to which we all derive. Lemurs, I guess, are more distantly related, but still part of the same evolutionary branch. You're an ape, get over it. :shaq:
So what is that missing link again? You said there is no missing link
Let see it :popcorn:


May 1, 2012
Its like in football when multiple refs rule on a play. But the difference here is he wasn't ruling on the play like a judge. He ruled like if you gave one of my fanboys modding powers. Even said "If I get 5 nays" like if that should determine if the thread should stay? Look at his reply afterwards...
I don't see your point but I'm not going to continue talking about something not related to the topic.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
Chewy was clearly pulling rank on you tho.
That nikka tried to come behind you and undermine what you already said
I'm not trying to start nothing between you and him, I'm just calling it like I see it. not even how I see it, how he said he'd do :hula:
But thats for you guys to work out. I'll leave it at that...

First off, they didn't prove a muthafukkin thing. Just like Weapons of Mass Destruction, they told you some bullshyt and you now saying its fact.
Show me this link that is no more missing :dry:
Where is the proof, cuz some white dude in a lab jacket told you he had proof?
If there was PROOF, there'd be no argument. You don't believe in religion, thats cool. I believe because I've been spoken to by the mos high :lawd:

If the best you can come up with is "well, flies couldn't fukk anymore"
Thats fukked up for flies, but I'm not a fly. I'm not a monkey either.
Your logic is flawed just off of common sense bruh. A monkey and I share the same ancestor. But after millions of years, we can't fukk no mo' :dead:

Ok, lets look at your version of history then.
Two monkeys fukkin... then one day, one of those monkeys cant fukk no more with the other monkey (hey, must be evolution)
Somehow, one side grows into humans. The others stay as monkeys.
Then slowly, we go farther into humandom.. monkeys go there way
1million years later, here we are. And you can prove this because you was told they found a bone that links us :what:

Tell tell you anything, lets just believe it then ok.
First off, fukk a monkey, we Lemurs now "MISSING LINK" FOUND: New Fossil Links Humans, Lemurs?
I knew I liked Penguins of Madagascar for a reason

Here's how we got here bruh...


All Star
May 28, 2012
If you take it back in time a little bit, you might of known that the very people who created science also believed in a higher power. Whatchu gotta say about that

Who created science? That's the dumbest shyt I've ever heard. I don't know who you're referring to specifically, but the simple answer is 'they didn't know any better'. :laugh:

Now you fast forward today to the time of Armageddon where know it all such as yourself repeat whatever you was told. I was introduced to Religion, but my faith now stems from my experiences bruh.
But people like yourself always talk as if you know the person your talking about.
You say all the things we do/say/think. But all your doing is talking to yourself, you make up lies to yourself, then you say thats what your opponent is :snoop:

This is gibberish.

See, this part of your post is you trying your hardest to discredit religious people in general.

A person's religiosity has no bearing on what they're saying is true or not (pretty sure I've said that already). What matters is evidence. There is strong evidence for evolution, not so strong evidence for a God.

Then you referred to history
Well history once again has Religion in it, don't it. So some person didn't believe the world was round?
Ok, didn't know religion was based on if the world was round. Does it say in the bible that the world is round?
What religion said it was mandatory that the world be flat?
If a person of a certain religion believed the world was flat, is that the way GOD intended us to think? NO, so what is your point exactly?
You don't have one. Now for my connection with GOD. You say I don't have one?

You're an idiot. It's common knowledge that Galileo was accused of heresy by the church specifically because of his findings regarding heliocentrism:

Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biblical references Psalm 93:1, 96:10, and 1 Chronicles 16:30 include text stating that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved." In the same manner, Psalm 104:5 says, "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Further, Ecclesiastes 1:5 states that "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place" etc.[51]
Galileo defended heliocentrism, and claimed it was not contrary to those Scripture passages. He took Augustine's position on Scripture: not to take every passage literally, particularly when the scripture in question is a book of poetry and songs, not a book of instructions or history. He believed that the writers of the Scripture merely wrote from the perspective of the terrestrial world, from that vantage point that the sun does rise and set. Another way to put this is that the writers would have been writing from a phenomenological point of view, or style. So Galileo claimed that science did not contradict Scripture, as Scripture was discussing a different kind of "movement" of the earth, and not rotations.[52]
By 1616 the attacks on the ideas of Copernicus had reached a head, and Galileo went to Rome to try to persuade the Catholic Church authorities not to ban Copernicus' ideas. In the end, a decree of the Congregation of the Index was issued, declaring that the ideas that the Sun stood still and that the Earth moved were "false" and "altogether contrary to Holy Scripture", and suspending Copernicus's De Revolutionibus until it could be corrected. Acting on instructions from the Pope before the decree was issued, Cardinal Bellarmine informed Galileo that it was forthcoming, that the ideas it condemned could not be "defended or held", and ordered him to abandon them. Galileo promised to obey. Bellarmine's instruction did not prohibit Galileo from discussing heliocentrism as a mathematical fiction but was dangerously ambiguous as to whether he could treat it as a physical possibility.[53] For the next several years Galileo stayed well away from the controversy. He revived his project of writing a book on the subject, encouraged by the election of Cardinal Maffeo Barberini as Pope Urban VIII in 1623. Barberini was a friend and admirer of Galileo, and had opposed the condemnation of Galileo in 1616. The book, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, was published in 1632, with formal authorization from the Inquisition and papal permission.[54]
Dava Sobel[55] explains that during this time, Urban had begun to fall more and more under the influence of court intrigue and problems of state. His friendship with Galileo began to take second place to his feelings of persecution and fear for his own life. At this low point in Urban's life, the problem of Galileo was presented to the pope by court insiders and enemies of Galileo. Coming on top of the recent claim by the then Spanish cardinal that Urban was soft on defending the church, he reacted out of anger and fear. This situation did not bode well for Galileo's defence of his book.
Earlier, Pope Urban VIII had personally asked Galileo to give arguments for and against heliocentrism in the book, and to be careful not to advocate heliocentrism. He made another request, that his own views on the matter be included in Galileo's book. Only the latter of those requests was fulfilled by Galileo. Whether unknowingly or deliberately, Simplicio, the defender of the Aristotelian Geocentric view in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, was often caught in his own errors and sometimes came across as a fool. Indeed, although Galileo states in the preface of his book that the character is named after a famous Aristotelian philosopher (Simplicius in Latin, Simplicio in Italian), the name "Simplicio" in Italian also has the connotation of "simpleton".[56] This portrayal of Simplicio made Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems appear as an advocacy book: an attack on Aristotelian geocentrism and defence of the Copernican theory. Unfortunately for his relationship with the Pope, Galileo put the words of Urban VIII into the mouth of Simplicio. Most historians agree Galileo did not act out of malice and felt blindsided by the reaction to his book.[57] However, the Pope did not take the suspected public ridicule lightly, nor the Copernican advocacy. Galileo had alienated one of his biggest and most powerful supporters, the Pope, and was called to Rome to defend his writings.
In September 1632, Galileo was ordered to come to Rome to stand trial. He finally arrived in February 1633 and was brought before inquisitor Vincenzo Maculani to be charged. Throughout his trial Galileo steadfastly maintained that since 1616 he had faithfully kept his promise not to hold any of the condemned opinions, and initially he denied even defending them. However, he was eventually persuaded to admit that, contrary to his true intention, a reader of his Dialogue could well have obtained the impression that it was intended to be a defence of Copernicanism. In view of Galileo's rather implausible denial that he had ever held Copernican ideas after 1616 or ever intended to defend them in the Dialogue, his final interrogation, in July 1633, concluded with his being threatened with torture if he did not tell the truth, but he maintained his denial despite the threat.[58] The sentence of the Inquisition was delivered on June 22. It was in three essential parts:
Galileo was found "vehemently suspect of heresy", namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to "abjure, curse and detest" those opinions.[59]
He was sentenced to formal imprisonment at the pleasure of the Inquisition.[60] On the following day this was commuted to house arrest, which he remained under for the rest of his life.
His offending Dialogue was banned; and in an action not announced at the trial, publication of any of his works was forbidden, including any he might write in the future.[61]

He wasn't the first, or last one persecuted for scientific findings either. And yes, there is scripture stating the Earth is flat and center of the universe.

Now you really feelin yourself here bruh. Science can't prove a lot of things
You still can't say how Stone Henge was built, but you tryna tell me you KNOW there ain't no GOD though :skip:
You have a hatred because you don't understand. Your mind can't comprehend something greater than you existing. Thats your problem
You have to submit yourself to the Lord, not the other way around.
Until your ready to do that, you won't see/feel anything. GOD will not shine his grace on you.

I never said I KNOW there isn't a God. I can comprehend the God concept, I just don't think it exists in reality. Until it's proven otherwise, my disbelief is justified.

It seems to me that religious people insert God in their gaps of knowledge. Don't know why you won the lottery? God did it. Don't know how the universe came to be? God. It's a panacea to explain anything, and quite frankly, intellectually lazy. You might as well say magical fairies told you the winning lotto numbers, and created the universe. It doesn't matter that science can't explain everything. That doesn't make it reasonable to believe some completely unproven thing is the REAL answer. You need proof for your God.

No confirmable evidence to who exactly? How do you want to confirm it???
You'd rather deal with a bunch of potions like you Dr.Jeckel while wearing a lab jacket?
You can confirm it yourself. You choose NOT TO. You feel that even trying is so absurd that it just can't be. And anybody who tried, is just dumb
But why do these people still believe? Why such large numbers?
I guess they all just dumb cuz they try. And your smart cuz you know it all
I mean.. science says two flies couldn't fukk after a while, so we all lemurs bruh...

Are you asking me how to prove God? That's not my job. The people who are claiming such an entity exists must provide tangible evidence if they expect other people to believe them. If you say it just takes faith, then... that's not really good evidence, is it?

I'm not choosing not to believe. You may not realize, but I was a Christian for about 18 years or so when I decided to investigate my beliefs, and figure out if there were good reasons to believe them. When I found there wasn't strong evidence to hold these religious beliefs, then I could no longer subscribe to them. I prayed really hard, and asked God to show me he existed. I received no answer. I know you'll probably say "I did receive an answer, but chose to ignore it", but you're wrong.

People want to believe that they're in touch with some other realm, so there's a lot of confirmation bias with belief. You have a headache, and pray, and then your headache goes away after a few hours. Some people would assume that the prayer had something to do with the cure. The truth of the matter is headaches usually go away after a few hours anyway. When we actually do studies on prayer, we find that there's no reason to believe prayer helps. I mean, it may help the sick person cope on an emotional level, but it doesn't actually treat any illnesses.

People believe because it comforting, and it seems reasonable that some being is responsible for the universe. I get that. The thing is, as I've said over and over, the evidence suggests that the universe came about by purely natural means. Plus, when you're told by your parents and raised in a community of Christians, it's really easy to go along with it, and believe it's true. This is why most people born in the US are Christians, most people in Pakistan are Muslim, most people in India are Hindu. Why are your beliefs any more valid than a polytheistic religion? Why do you think Christians are right, but Muslims are wrong? Maybe Scientology or Mormonism is right?

Just saying "God did it" is more know-it-all in my opinion. You have all the answers because it's in the bible :hmm: Really? Give me a break.

Thats cool and all. But how does that prove we are Monkey/Lemurs?
Your going off a weak ass assumption based on flies. Thats really your YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH SCIENCE proof?
nikka, science doesn't even understand speciation yet. Everything is still highly debated amongst the scientific community, but here you are regurgitating everthing as fact... cuz its science of course :stop:
Your first post.. I said it read like a cyborg? Cuz you just repeating word for word shyt. You not even speaking for yourself here. You gotta let the info set in... process it yourself... then determine. You only at the remember stage of your education...

Are you fukking kidding me?!?!? There is very little debate when it comes to evolution within the science community! The only "debate" is from creation "scientists" ... not actually people with degrees in these fields. I don't know where you're getting your information from, but please stop referencing EvolutionIsAMyth.com. It's embarrassing breh. The overwhelming majority of scientists studying biology and the like regard evolution as proven fact. They've seen the fossil record, understand the process of natural selection, and cannot find where the theory fails.

So what is that missing link again? You said there is no missing link
Let see it :popcorn:

Did you even read the article? It states our link with modern lemurs. It's called Darwinius masillae. Jesus man, do some research, go to talkorigins.org, open a fukking biology book. You don't even understand evolution, yet you think you can speak on whether or not it's a credible theory.

Let me ask you this. Do you agree with atomic theory? The idea that everything consists of small particles with electrons, neutrons and protons? Does that make common sense in your opinion?