A few points on system discussion:
- The fact that any tournament uses PS3 is a non-factor. Evo uses only PS3s but most high level players were discontent with that for several reasons. That indicates that most high level players play on 360.
- Other things like streams and such also indicate more high level players play on 360
- Whether what high level players play is important to you is a matter of opinion. I'll rarely, if ever, play high level players. As far as randoms go, I'll generally run into the same quality of players on 360 as PS3.
- It has been reported that several Capcom games suffer from some sort of input lag on PS3 version. It's supposedly a 1-frame difference. Most likely negligible to maybe half of the people here. If it were more of an issue to some of the people then you wouldn't be playing on some of the displays y'all do. Not to mention, most of us play almost strictly online. That's already likely to be a 3-frame delay on a decent connection.
- The only thing that should matter to us is America. We're not going to, nor should we be playing Euro's and Japanese players
- There's no reliable way to tell how many more people there are playing fighters consistently in America on 360 vs PS3. Seems like a moot discussion.
The discussion is moot. None of the points y'all bring up are very significant in contrast to who you want to play against. I'm only interested in really playing Coli people and randoms since I don't have many IRL friends that play fighters. And to me, the Coli fighters have mostly been playing on PS3 (even if I'm right, there are some significant exceptions of course, but you get my point).
Nice edit