Yaddam Yussein
All Star
Nadeska seemed more confident and excited on Peter Rosenberg's Complex show then she has on any recent episode of Everyday Struggle.
That's not goodgave it a quick thumbs down...
it's at 45K views in 1 day tho...i can't remember if that's good for them or not
That's not good
They used to get mad views lol
Show is ass.
Proud to say I haven't watched any this week
They never put star’s name in the intro but they put in wayno’s?
That tells me Star wasn’t never meant to be a permanent solution.
I couldn’t make it to 10 minutes. Nadeska is a snake, and sugar bear is a 30 year old culture vulture trying to make up for not being cool during his adolescence and early 20’s.
They are grilling in the comments. My abs were hurting from this onegave it a quick thumbs down...
it's at 45K views in 1 day tho...i can't remember if that's good for them or not
Chair quality declining just like the show, they went from rolling to spinning to now stationery. Next step is uncomfortable ass bar stools
I just started watching again. The show has gotten a lot better. Wayno is more comfortable and be dropping some gems. I def like it more now than I did when they brought Star on.