Akademiks is the fatherHe found out Cyn cheated and the baby might not be his
FactsAkademiks is the father
Compartmentalizingthats pretty creepy how joe can go from crying about styles p daughter to laughing and joking about Taylor swift so quickly.
not that seamlessly and not that extreme.Compartmentalizing
Should he had stayed in a somber mood for the rest of the episode? The Styles P clip was touching and it resonated feelings of his own bouts with depression, but was he obligated to stay in that state of mind
Have you ever been to a funeral and seen a friend or family reminiscing about the dead. While mourning/crying about their loved one, they'll quickly transition into a funny story almost on a drop of a dime.
We are human bodies with a bevy of emotions that often times intersect.
Anger =/= sorrow, vulnerabilitynot that seamlessly and not that extreme.
And we've seen joe mad about something and stay mad the whole show so miss me with that compartmentalizating shyt.
Still 2 polar emotions from happy and joyful.Anger =/= sorrow, vulnerability
Ak has kind of come into his own though but I don't know if that's him or just looking good next to Budden who knows nothing.Nadeska mad af Joe keep putting her on blast lol
It's true tho, both her and Ak pushing 30 and over but be acting like they in their early 20's.
Ak is a manchild, who happens to be sitting across from a bipolar junkie.Ak has kind of come into his own though but I don't know if that's him or just looking good next to Budden who knows nothing.