Personally, WM 14 is in my God Tier category specifically for its historical significance. WWE had basically loaded the chamber that night and began firing back at WCW beginning the next night. Two weeks later, Raw finally got a win in the ratings
You could see the company’s future stars and stories shape that would carry it into 1999/2000
-Taker finally fought Kane and handed him his first L, yet Kane kicked his ass the whole match and it took Taker several tombstones to do it, keeping Kane looking like a monster. Pete Rose began appearing in WWE starting with WM 14
-Sable starting to get her shine and leading to the jealous Mero story and eventually Jacqueline debuting in WWE
-WM 14 was the first time Rock used the "If you smell what the Rock is cooking” catchphrase. Also one of the first sightings of the $500 shirts pictured here
-Cactus and Chainsaw finally got the tag belts after months of torture from the New Age Outlaws (we know what happened the next night with Outlaws joining DX, and the very next week Foley getting pissed at the fans for chanting for Austin and thus bringing Dude Love back shortly after to feud with Austin)
-HHH going over someone he shouldn’t have in Owen. This is something we’ll see across several Manias to come
(sorry I had too
-Nation of Domination imploded during Rock vs Shamrock, leading to Farooq getting kicked out the next night and Rock becoming “Ruler” as he called himself.
-Paying Tyson the money from Bret’s contract paid off, as he served in a WrestleMania moment in himself, and Austin winning kicked off a new era, as well as Austin vs McMahon the next night
-Austin and HBK using crazy ring psychology with the whole “HBK is hurting himself even when he hurts Austin” and HBK. When Mattel made HBK’s WM 14 flashback figure, he has the grimacing in pain face
-The triple finisher reversal sequence was the template eventually used by many for ending a match
Sorry for the long post, but WM 14 was a good ass Mania to me. I always watch it, X-7, and XIX every year around Mania Season
I’ll never forget being a young nikka and having the
face when Mike knocked out HBK