ever fell out with a good friend and seen how much of a bytch nygga they are???

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
i used to be real tight with this nikka, lets call him AB...well me and ab met in middle school, we're both pretty smart so we had classes together...at my middle school, there were 3 "teams" a slow, average, and advanced team...we were few of the blacks on the advanced team so naturally we became cool

when we got to highschool we played football together, we had a decent sized crew we used to roll wit...ab always was a rougish ass nikka, he would prolly steal the draws off a nikka if he wanted to...but he used to hustle tho and i liked that, we used to steal outta footaction cause one of the homies worked there, and turn around and sell tha shyt in school for dirt cheap :smugfavre:

we got in beef back in the day wit some other nikkas and we stood toe to toe together...fukked hoes together..we ended up goin to the same college as well as a few other homeboys and homegirls...he got a scholarship to play ball so he had a whole new set of friends and got alot more exposure to hoes...the first semester he was pretty much ghost, it was kinda like he got brand new, but we realized it was because he was so busy wit football

the second semester he started hangin wit us alot more, he still had his football friends n shyt but we was still crew if u will...well i ended up leaving after freshman year cause of grades and the tuition was the price of a 1008 grams

he had an ol lady who i was once cool with (fell out wit her too, she just a silly bytch..when i see her out she looks at me like she wants me to talk to her so bad) and my ol lady was real tight with...well like i said he had access to all the p*ssy in the city cause he was on the football team, so naturally he was whoreing it up...and he ALWAYS got caught...nikka had whole relationships on this bytch...it got so bad that the only claim she could make is that she was the only one with his baby...that changed to the first one with his baby...little did she know (neither did i) that lil boy wasnt even the FIRST baby he had :krs:

well he was fukkin plenty hoes and word got back to the babymama/gf...some kinda way my name got mentioned in this like i told my ol lady and she in turn told the bm, but this wasnt true...i had to hear this thru another friend that these accusations were made against me...so im like :what: i call this nikka and im like wassup breh what u talkin about

him : "oh naw bra dnt worry about it i found out who been tellin my bytch, ol
fukk nikka" :leostare:

me: "oh aight".....bout 30 min later :what::what: THIS fukk nikka TRIED

so i call this nikka back and im tellin him i felt like he tried me and if he thought i told that why wouldnt u confront me and not another nikka if we posted to be down like that



May 12, 2012
Baton Rouge, Boosieana


May 7, 2012
i've lost all of my friends. mainly due to distance, goals etc. im a loner now.

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012

this same babymama/gf...bytch is irrational as fukk, loves drama, just fukkin stupid and shows favortism over ab's child than her oldest...and he in part put that shyt in her head...nikka is VERY manipulative

well she goin back n forth with a bytch on facebook that this nikka was havin a relationship with on her....and me being a friend i told her she needed to chill because she got kids to worry about and that shyt petty

this bytch flipped on me and said nikkas need to learn to mind they fukkin business and speak to when spoken to :wtf:

i said look here bytch, i will expose yo fukk ass...real talk

this nikka wrote on my wall talkin bout "lil man chill out with that towards my lady"

i swear to god i wanted to beat that nikka ass and if we were in the same city when that was said i woulda went to his house and beat tha shyt outta him...shyt had me steamin

u tha same nikka who put this lady and your child out because 'u dnt do that family shyt'..i swear to god i wanted to fukk him up..and he had his lil football buddies boostin him up..i had to tell dem nikkas look breh...u dnt kno him like i kno him...he can put on for yall but i KNOW him...i stayed tha night at this nikka house n slept on his mama couch..i fukked a bytch n the back of his mama pathfinder nikka...

well the next time i seen him i was at his house...he had an apt wit one of my other homeboys who went to school there...this was when my second child was born so i was in my homeboy room tending to her screamin to the top of her lungs...how his room was set up, ab had no choice but to see me as he went to his room, but i didnt notice him come in...so when i walked back to the front where nikkas was playin spades n smokin weed n shyt, i glance in ab room and i see this nikka so i step to him...

me: soooo wats up :birdman:

him::dwillhuh: wassup man...man that shyt we was goin thru man that shyt aint nothing man we cool *extends hand:

me: :rudy: yea aight *shakes hand*

from that day foward we have NEVER BEEN FRIENDS...this was back in 09 and i can count the times on my hand that i spoke to that nikka...we went out together in out crew but the whole time we never had any interaction personally...just a simple wassup and thats it...


im the nikka in the middle with the purple he's the one kneeled down with the hat (that fat nikka next to me in all black i dnt fukk with him like that anymore either...bytch made nikkas smh)


May 2, 2012
I thought me and my roommate was cool but as people have said he showed "his true colors" when he got drunk. I cant stand to be around that nikka when he drinks. He admits he has a alcohol problem but still drinks until he isnt capable of walking or thinking straight.

I don't wanna even talk about the time he basically ruined the start of an Orgy just because he didn't start off with the female he wanted in the beginning.

We still get on that nikka about that shyt.

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
and when i say manipulative, dat nikka had game...a cpl other homeboys who arent in tha pic, he used to use the shyt outta them...back in high school who ever had a car he used to be with em 24/7...used to use the car to do whatever...nikkas was inseperable...when he was done using one, u didnt see those two together anymore...

he was with the other homeboy 24/7....it was like 3 nikkas he ran that game on

but i'll tell u one real thing that he said that stuck with me, but this shyt shows his character...me my bytch, him his bytch were all finna move in together...get a 3 bedroom apt, extra bed room for his bm's son...well he wanted the bigger room so shyt im like whateva..he like we can split 50/50 :rudy: i say naw breh 60.40 yall got the bigger room...he like ok cool

about 30 min later he hit me back like fukk that shyt...im not payin for that lil b*stard...im payin the same as yall she can pay the bigger amount he aint my son :krs: shyt had me :russ:


May 1, 2012

I'll be honest--I could only comprehend half of this shyt. :snoop:

Please condense your story into 5 bullet points using standard English.

'K thanks :smile:


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
I fell off with one of my main nikkas because a hoe he liked wanted to fukk me.

He got so emotional about it, it made me fukking sick. Funny part is I wasnt even checking for the skeeze like that. Shorty was all over my facebook wall writing smiley faces and shyt.

So my boy was like nah....he must of tried to get at her behind my back. When in reality shawty just wanted to fukk. nikkas was such a fukkin p*ssy :manny:.

Funniest part about it is, one night he called her over (we roomates), shorty came and went straight to my room and started knocking on my down :krs:

I was with my girl so I couldnt answer it. I didnt even really hear it

The next day nikka tell me on some .....why did i invite tika to the room and she went straight to your room? :leostare:

The funny part about it is....shorty obviously wanted us to run a train on her. But my mans was so caught up in his emotions and bruised ego, he to this day prolly doesn't understand why shorty walked all the way to our crib at 2am in the morning. But he bytch tho, he prolly wouldnt have even wanted me to hit it with him:snoop:
May 3, 2012
St louis
sounds like you miss that nikka.
send him flowers,fight him or fukk his baby mama.
this sentimental walk down memory lane is exposing
which scented desposible douche you favor:ehh:

Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
I fell off with one of my main nikkas because a hoe he liked wanted to fukk me.

He got so emotional about it, it made me fukking sick. Funny part is I wasnt even checking for the skeeze like that. Shorty was all over my facebook wall writing smiley faces and shyt.

So my boy was like nah....he must of tried to get at her behind my back. When in reality shawty just wanted to fukk. nikkas was such a fukkin p*ssy :manny:.

Funniest part about it is, one night he called her over (we roomates), shorty came and went straight to my room and started knocking on my down :krs:

I was with my girl so I couldnt answer it. I didnt even really hear it

The next day nikka tell me on some .....why did i invite tika to the room and she went straight to your room? :leostare:

The funny part about it is....shorty obviously wanted us to run a train on her. But my mans was so caught up in his emotions and bruised ego, he to this day prolly doesn't understand why shorty walked all the way to our crib at 2am in the morning. But he bytch tho, he prolly wouldnt have even wanted me to hit it with him:snoop:

nikkas be bytch made when it come to these hoes...when nikkas learn that these hoes are for everybody then we can all :win: