Dumb argument tbh. Bc it’s not some either or proposition
Takeover was possibly the greatest diss track ever…for about 4 months. Then it became Ether. So wouldn’t that just move Takeover down to #2 diss of all time?Instead people talk about Takeover like some indie sleeper as if the song magically became wack
Ether #1. Takeover #2. It’s sad hip hop has the most fickle, emotional fanbase that that is such a hard concept to grasp
I'm not making it either/or, don't derail my thread with negative energy
and for the record Hit Em Up is the greatest diss song of all-time, because not only did Pac roast Biggie in the most disrespectful way known to man, his crew lyrically murdered Biggie, Junior Mafia and Bad Boy as a whole
so your opinion is fundamentally flawed, stop being sensitive