Not only irrelevant. Legendary, 80's legends, 90's legends been saying they tour and get love out there like no other...
Europe didn't save hip hop it gave it an outlet for underground and legacy acts. Your average coli poster calls you washed for talking bout these same acts. Same thing that happened with soul and blues artists after their era they continued eating in Europe for years. Some fans don't have an expiry date on music the way others do. Appreciate things more because they are far removed and hard to come by.
During his height Jimmy Hendrix himself was frustrated at the lack of love he was getting at home compared to elsewhere. Euro rock acts poached and learned from American legends in the 60's and 70' when they had no demand at home by bringing them ovrerseas. Jazz too...
Not just that, Jimi had to go to Europe to get poppin in the first place.
Same shyt with Hip Hop artists like The Roots.
America doesn’t appreciate anything of substance.
Our culture is based on consuming, not appreciating.
The value of most things to Americans is strictly based on how many other people want that same product.
We eat everything in sight, shyt it out, and automatically start following the crowd looking for the next thing to consume.
We have no culture except consumer culture.
We even consume other cultures if it’s popular at the moment.