Ethiopian-Israelis Rejecting Mandatory Military Service In Protest of institutional racism


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

In Israel, hundreds of citizens of Ethiopian descent are refusing to serve reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces, citing racial discrimination by the Israeli government in various state agencies, including the police.

As David Sheen reported in the San Francisco Bay View, more than 300 Ethiopian Jews have made the decision to refuse any military order to report for duty, including soldiers from all Israel Defense Forces infantry brigades and specialized commando units. As long as the nation fails to respect their civil rights, these Black “refuseniks” say they will fail to respect their obligations to the state.

“So, let me get this straight: If my rights don’t exist, why should I have to do reserve duty?” asked Avishai Malson Tzaghon, an Ethiopian Israeli, in a video interview with the Bay View. “Our issue is not with the army. We are not saying that the army is the problem. It’s the state. The army is an arm of the state. We say to the state that we are starting off by no longer doing reserve duty.” Tzaghon said he also may stop fulfilling other obligations.

“As long as the policy of discrimination and exclusion and disparaging treatment towards Ethiopian émigrés does not change, don’t bother talking to us about doing reserve duty,” refusenik Jajaw Bimro said.

Like people of African descent in other white-dominated nations, Ethiopian Israelis experience racism in their daily lives. Tebeka, a legal aid society that provides free legal services to Ethiopian Israelis, strives to help in combating it. Racial discrimination affects all Israelis of Ethiopian origin, says Fentahun Assefa-Dawit, Tebeka’s executive director, particularly those who were born and/or raised in Israel, served in the army and now want to be an equal part of Israeli society.

“And with that, there was some grievance, discontent and even anger about why these young people who served in the army should be treated differently than any others,” Assefa-Dawit told Atlanta Black Star, “because in the army, they are committed, they serve the country and fulfill their duties as citizens here In Israel.” He said only a “small number” of Ethiopian Israelis have refused to serve.


Fentahun Assefa-Dawit, Executive Director, Tebeka

In Israel, all able-bodied 18-year-olds are required to serve in the military, men serving for three years and women for two, though there are religious exemptions. While there were very few secular draft dodgers in years past, in recent years, the number of Israelis declining to serve has increased to 28 percent among men and 42 percent among women, according to the Bay View.

Some of those rejecting further service are in fact already in the military. According to the Israeli nongovernmental organization Breaking the Silence, some combat veterans who were stationed in the Occupied Territories and charged with controlling the daily lives of the Palestinian population have refused to return to duty. In an effort to end the racist occupation, the organization has compiled testimony from 1,000 veterans who have witnessed the human-rights abuses that have resulted because of it.

“Soldiers who serve in the Territories witness and participate in military actions that change them immensely. Cases of abuse towards Palestinians, looting and destruction of property have been the norm for years but are still explained as extreme and unique cases,” the group says on its website. “While this reality is known to Israeli soldiers and commanders, Israeli society continues to turn a blind eye and to deny what is done in its name.”

Assefa-Dawit said that the institutional racism facing Israel’s Black Ethiopian population as a whole “includes discrimination, violence, racism in policing and excessive policing. It includes discrimination in public places, in universities and colleges, and everywhere.” He did say, however, that there has been heightened awareness of racism and discrimination toward Ethiopian Israelis and movement to improve the situation over the past few years.

Tahunia Rubel, an Ethiopian-born Israeli model and actress, put it bluntly: “Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world,” Rubel said in an article in the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, where she criticized Israeli society, government and police. “People in Israel find it strange to see an Ethiopian woman who behaves like an Israeli.”

Ethiopian-Israeli journalist Revital Iyov echoed Rubel’s sentiment in a commentary in the newspaper Haaretz. She made particular note of the dual oppression Ethiopian women face in Israel, pointing out that Rubel herself has received racist comments from white Israelis who called her “a disgusting African” and told her to “Go back to Ethiopia.”

The journalist condemned the rampant racism in Israel, stating that minorities are accepted only if they remain quiet, stop complaining and show gratitude. “Israel commits racist crimes” Iyov said. “A prominent example is the police violence during the demonstrations by young Ethiopian men and women a year ago. Another example is the investigation that revealed the pressure on Ethiopian women to receive shots of the birth control hormone Depo-Provera before immigrating.”

In addition to facing discrimination in employment, housing and other facets of daily life — even having their blood thrown in the trash when they donate, as the Bay View reported — Ethiopian Israelis also experience harassment from law enforcement. In August, Israeli Police Chief Roni Alsheich claimed publicly that it is natural for police to be more suspicious of Ethiopians because immigrants commit more crimes, according to Haaretz.


Ethiopian-Israelis protest

The trigger that led to a wave of mass demonstrations among Black Israelis was the unprovoked attack and detention by two white police officers of Damas Pakada, a Black IDF soldier, in April 2015, Fssefa-Dawit told ABS. Calling it the “straw that broke the camel’s back,” Assefa-Dawit said that single incident mobilized the Ethiopian community, leading Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form an inter-ministerial committee. The committee, of which Assefa-Dawit is a member, made 53 recommendations to eradicate racism in Israel, 17 of which were directly related to police violence.

“We started another process with the police themselves where we demanded the police go out and announce that there is racism and discrimination against Ethiopian Israelis, that there is police violence against Ethiopian Israelis,” Assefa-Dawit said. “The police chief acknowledged that and we came forward with a list of demands to the chief of police.”

Those demands included introducing body cameras to the police force (15,000 Israeli police officers will wear them), controlling and monitoring the use of tasers by police, mass recruitment of Ethiopian-Israelis to the police force and among higher-ranking police officers, and language accessibility during interrogation.

“When teenagers are being interrogated, the parents have to be present. But what good will it do if the parents do not understand the language?” Assefa-Dawit said, noting that during interrogations involving Ethiopian Israelis, police must now have an interpreter or a bilingual officer present who speaks Amharic. Police also have agreed to begin the process of writing a code of conduct for officers to improve trust with the community.

While Assefa-Dawit said change is taking place — the number of Black police officers is increasing, the police force is recruiting lawyers and academics, and Ethiopian Israelis are now among those training police officers — much more must be done. Yet, he believes the police have reached a “point of no return” in understanding they must address the public’s mistrust of police, increase their cultural sensitivity and improve their image, which is low among the Ethiopian Israeli, Haredi (Orthodox) and Palestinian communities.

“I want to hold accountable the Israeli government, the Israeli society for the values they say they have,” Assefa-Dawit said. “I want them to look in the mirror and know what they are doing is wrong, and stand up for their declared values.” He also said that the reforms stemming from the Ethiopian Israeli community will ultimately benefit the entire society.

In the meantime, Assefa-Dawit wants his people to believe in themselves. He wants them to take action, make the system responsive and know that they are as good as — if not better than — any white person.

“Yes, there is racism and discrimination. Yes, we have to come up with a solution to eradicate it, and we do that by being stronger,” Assefa-Dawit said, urging Ethiopian Israelis to project strength and confidence, as they will be treated accordingly.

Ultimately, Assefa-Dawit said the Ethiopian Israeli community wants less violence against them and more Black people serving on the police force and as high-ranking officers. “Demonstrations are important to reach a solution, but demonstrations are not going to be an aim,” he said. “They are a tool to achieve an end, to make life better, to reach justice and equality.”


Dec 2, 2015
Falasha Jews were heavily discriminated against during the Imperial and Derg eras. They probably didn't know that Israel would be run by racist Askhenazis.
How could they be surprised by the mostly euro imported jews that ran Israel from the beginning

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
Shared on my Facebook. I won't be surprised if nobody responds to the article.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Rather go to a racist nation than stay in their country and build it up.

Much more complicated than that.

Beta Israelites were discriminated against in Ethiopia for centuries. Although I'd say it was nowhere as bad as Europe was to its Jews(ET was more on and off in nature), it still was at a pretty bad point by the time they left for Israel. Plus, you need to factor in the parties that facilitated this shyt. The Derg regime needed weapons as that point to fight the civil war in the north where it was losing badly against the TPLF(current govt)/EPLF(future Eritrean govt) coalition and Israel needed to boost its Jewish population, present a more diverse Israeli society in order to prop itself up as some Junior America within the ME, and get much needed positive press given the Palestine issue. It looked pretty good to airlift an impoverished group of lost/culturally isolated Black Jews whose region was smack in the middle of a devastating drought and a chaotic civil war in one of the most dangerous regions in the world and bring them to what was called a much better situation in the already ethnically complex Israel. So Ethiopia essentially traded its Jews for weapons to fight a war the govt was destined to lose just as soon as the last jet left for Israel.

Also, for the Beta Israelites themselves, they always believed that they would someday return to Israel anyway so for them the aliyah was the fulfilling of a prophecy and to them Israel is their true country even though they acknowledge their Ethiopian/African background. Wish they could've stayed and helped build the country because they to me are a very important group of Ethiopians as they were a major contributor to our cultural development. At one point, you had Christian, Jewish, and Islamic kingdoms in Ethiopia all vying for power at the same time with each bringing something culturally new to the table. shyt, there are a lot of names amongst Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia that you would find in Israel. So the impact of the Beta Israelites on the country is apparent upon introduction to an Ethiopian today.

As for this thread, glad to see them put the Bibi govt to the fire. Why the fukk should they be risking their lives and committing atrocities against Palestinians when this govt is racist as fukk against them. I hope Ethiopia welcomes any of them back home with open arms, they came to the country thousands of years ago to escape war and destruction in Israel. Can't imagine a lot of them don't feel a kinda way getting discriminated against while doing these racist cacs dirty work. :ld:
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The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Much more complicated than that. Beta Israelites were discriminated against in Ethiopia for centuries. Although I'd say it was nowhere as bad as Europe was to its Jews, it still was at a pretty bad point by the time they left for Israel. Plus, you need to factor in the parties that facilitated this shyt. The Derg regime needed weapons as that point to fight the civil war in the north where it was losing badly against the TPLF(current govt)/EPLF(future Eritrean govt) coalition and Israel needed to boost its Jewish population, present a more diverse Israeli society in order to prop itself up as some Junior America within the ME, and get much needed positive press given the Palestine issue. It looked pretty good to airlift an impoverished group of lost/culturally isolated Black Jews whose region was smack in the middle of a devastating drought and a chaotic civil war in one of the most dangerous regions in the world and bring them to what was called a much better situation in the already ethnically complex Israel. So Ethiopia essentially traded its Jews for weapons to fight a war the govt was destined to lose just as soon as the last jet left for Israel.

Also, for the Beta Israelites themselves, they always believed that they would someday return to Israel anyway so for them the aliyah was the fulfilling of a prophecy and to them Israel is their true country even though they acknowledge their Ethiopian/African background. Wish they could've stayed and helped build the country because they to me are a very important group of Ethiopians as they were a major contributor to our cultural development. At on point, you had Christian, Jewish, and Islamic kingdoms in Ethiopia all vying for power at the same time with each bringing something culturally new to the table. shyt, there are a lot of names amongst Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia that you would find in Israel. So the impact of the Beta Israelites on the country is apparent upon introduction to an Ethiopian today.

As for this thread, glad to see them put the Bibi govt to the fire. Why the fukk should they be risking their lives and committing atrocities against Palestinians when this govt is racist as fukk against them. I hope Ethiopia welcomes any of them back home with open arms, they came to the country thousands of years ago to escape war and destruction in Israel. Can't imagine a lot of them don't feel a kinda way getting discriminated against while doing these racist cacs dirty work. :ld:

The Israeli gov't would have difficulty trying to spin why members of Beta Israel wish to return to Ethiopia, if that came to be. :lolbron:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
The Israeli gov't would have difficulty trying to spin why members of Beta Israel wish to return to Ethiopia, if that came to be. :lolbron:

Actually, I think that's part of the condition of their migration. I could be wrong but I think if they were to do that then Israel would revoke their citizenship. As cozy as the ET govt is with Israel they should at least work something out to let them have dual citizenship. But fukked up thing is the ET Jews are pretty much what the AA or Latino pop would be here. Some good here and there, heavy in entertainment, but many in fukked up situations in bad neighborhoods with no opportunities. My folks went out there to see the sights and noticed that the Ethiopians were frequently in the lower positions. So I don't know if they have the means to go back, plus most of the youth don't speak Amharic like their parents/grandparents did and some didn't practice Ethiopian customs so returning would be difficult unless they were truly motivated and had resources. There are a few speaking out though that I seen on youtube, they not going for this shyt. Beta Israel was one of the fiercest groups at their peak so they better not get bytched by these racist Euro cacs. :ufdup:

<---Afro-Palestinian but has nice insight

<----lol, that elder sister definitely from Gondar her Amharic is sharp as fukk. :ohlawd:

As you can see, they been beefing for a second. :ld:

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Actually, I think that's part of the condition of their migration. I could be wrong but I think if they were to do that then Israel would revoke their citizenship. As cozy as the ET govt is with Israel they should at least work something out to let them have dual citizenship. But fukked up thing is the ET Jews are pretty much what the AA or Latino pop would be here. Some good here and there, heavy in entertainment, but many in fukked up situations in bad neighborhoods with no opportunities. My folks went out there to see the sights and noticed that the Ethiopians were frequently in the lower positions. So I don't know if they have the means to go back, plus most of the youth don't speak Amharic like their parents/grandparents did and some didn't practice Ethiopian customs so returning would be difficult unless they were truly motivated and had resources. There are a few speaking out though that I seen on youtube, they not going for this shyt. Beta Israel was one of the fiercest groups at their peak so they better not get bytched by these racist Euro cacs. :ufdup:

<---Afro-Palestinian but has nice insight

<----lol, that elder sister definitely from Gondar her Amharic is sharp as fukk. :ohlawd:

As you can see, they been beefing for a second. :ld:

Do they marry Sephardic, Ashkenazi or Mizhraim?


Nov 20, 2016
Fun fact: they were the ancestors of most modem day Amharas and other habeshas. They are from the Agew ethnic group. Most of Ethiopia was Jewish back in those days (including other parts of the Horn) and the Agew established a dynasty.

As for these falasha Jews, they're stupid for allowing themselves to be used as cannon fodder when they get treated like shyt by white Israelis.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Fun fact: they were the ancestors of most modem day Amharas and other habeshas. They are from the Agew ethnic group. Most of Ethiopia was Jewish back in those days (including other parts of the Horn) and the Agew established a dynasty.

As for these falasha Jews, they're stupid for allowing themselves to be used as cannon fodder when they get treated like shyt by white Israelis.

Do you have some evidence for this? Especially given that Amhara and Tigringna are Semitic speakers.


Nov 20, 2016
Do you have some evidence for this? Especially given that Amhara and Tigringna are Semitic speakers.

It's common knowledge, they switched to Semitic much later in their history. Most intellectual habeshas are aware of this. I'll dig up some stuff a bit later.