She shouldn't have taken it personal
As crazy as that sounds (with all those pictures and props she brought up...that basically made it personal) u can't let the person know that they've gotten under your skin, no matter what. It's hard NOT to take something like that personal but If it bothers u then conceal it at that moment and let ur frustration out the at a later date.
The moment she got upset was the moment she lost.
Yeah it was and the more exposure you have is the more ammo your opponents have against you. Whether you in other battles, videos, facebook or twitter it all leaves a trail of potential punchlines and ether sessions. That shyt was ruthless, she put her whole life on blast.
she blew up a facebook picture of her and her baby daughter in her fukked up house. she brought up nikkas she use to mess with and how they said they didn't want to smash because her p*ssy stank.
guy or female that ms. courture bytch is nice az shyt.Some of those bars was totally uncalled for. and that shyt wasn't no freestyle with the props and shyt...
Video: Disrespectful: Female Battle Rapper Gets Exposed & Walks Off Crying During Her Battle!
this is why NYC hip hop will stay in the gutter. battling is one thing but putting peoples business in the street is just wrong.
I wasfor little shorty after round 2 and
for her at the end.
I the picture of her baby is uncalled for. But everything else is fair game. And still as a battle rapper crying is not acceptable. She should've fought her or some shyt.