Erica Tazel from Justified is wifey material


I'm selling these fine leather jackets
Jul 5, 2012

I'd say they were both underserved, but yeah, Tim probably more.

He got the "my buddy from the Army is a bad guy" storyline and she got (I think, I'm probably remembering wrong) "My sister's baby daddy is abusive" thing, and that was it for them in general.

A few looks from some racist cops and "She's a woman" throwaway comments aside she might as well have been a mannequin.

And aside from a few "I'm just as much of a badass as you, Raylan" jabs Tim might as well have been a dressed up coat rack.

Still love the show thought :russ:

One of my favs of all time.

Well they are so low on the pecking order depending on the season

Raylan, Art, Boyd, Ava, main villain of each season, Duffy and Winona during the last 2-3 season, Arlo in the first 3-4 seasons are all above them in needing a story attached. With all that in play I think they did a really good job with Tim and Rachel. The Tim-Colton storyline and their back and forths were fukking fantastic, I knew it was coming but I've never been so sad about a character death in TV show.