Yes, not only is Nipsey a beloved figure, and you can get stripes for doing it, he was a 60's icon. He's from a set. He represents the 60's, and the neighborhood. How you going to shake hands with Nipsey's killer, as a crip, allied with the 60's, or a blood that had no beef with the 60's? He's a target. No one s going to want him on their tier, or on their yard.
And the cynical aspect, like I said, he's just someone to get a stripe off, Holder, the Mexican Mafia, La Eme, has a greenlight on any rapist or child molestor in the system, on sight. You think those guys really care about rape, and study their Andrea Dworkin about what a indefensible crime rape is? No, it's a system for soldiers to earn stripes, and prove themselves off of people that
no one will protect. They are expendable. You hit a "made" guy in prison, you will have to answer to his "car", his whole crew, his whole race. Holder is a nobody, and no one wants him around.