Ryan Ward is sending ideas to VINCE MCMAHON. You should know the outcome....
But wasn't he already doing that in 2016? It's not like he had complete creative control.
People were blaming Road Dogg for destroying SmackDown in 2017 but he was also sending ideas to Vince. And Vince has always been a little more hands off with SmackDown, so what's the difference between then and now?
Ryan Ward and Road Dogg after him seemed to have a bit more freedom until recently. Isn't that why Dogg left in the first place? Seems to be a lack of autonoment even on the B show now.
Yeah, it seems as if sometime along Road Dogg’s tenture, SDL increasingly became Raw lite, you could definitely equate that to Vince having more of an input on the show cause for some reason Vince doesn’t want SDL to be better than Raw.