They started to get their ass whooped right as Austin blew up in popularity (you know, the dude he fired). They had a significantly deeper and more talented roster than the WWF but were putting on much worse shows from like mid '97 on. He made dumb moves like putting Goldberg/Hogan on free TV, having PPVs at those racist bikers rallies where it was free admission, killing any momentum/drawing power Bret had following the screwjob, letting almost all of their young/up and coming talent walk, killing Sting's momentum (that they built up for a year) at Starrcade '97, etc. He laid the foundation for the free fall that ultimately put them out of business.
not really. most of this stuff is WWF logic pushed by WWF fans who didnt even watch WCW like that, if at all. as an actual WCW fan, the list of things that turned me off of WCW would look completely different. the only thing i would agree with, is when alot of their top workrate guys jumped ship around the same time, and even that is overblown thanks to WWF documentaries.
bret hart?? bret was never a draw and WCW fans didnt care about the montreal screwjob.
LOL. and WCW still pushed bret like crazy but WCW crowds never got behind him. he even got lukewarm reactions when he debuted.
youre leaving out that the 1st year of austin's WWF run was a dud and the lowest point of his career.
sting is sting. you cant kill his momentum, no matter what Ls he takes. hes gonna be the star of the show regardless. hes basically what the rock became in the WWF but people rarely complained about how the WWF would fumble on the rock and have him take all sorts of Ls, never getting a true wrestlemania or royal rumble moment, etc. sting had way better kayfabe moments than the rock. and if you really know WCW, then you know crow sting wasnt even sting at his peak. thats just the favored version of sting in the eyes of WWF fans.

PPV buy rates were more crucial to wrestling company's success back then. And it was a World title match/passing of the torch moment (or it should have been, another thing Bischoff fukked up) that should have been built up to and headlined Starrcade or a major PPV. Instead they just threw it on TV with little notice to pop a rating. Bryan/Kenny was non-title match that went to a time limit draw. They can (and probably will) revisit that angle again on PPV and it will likely be even bigger. Can't say the same for Hogan/Goldberg.
Punk was not just coming off the biggest controversy in wrestling history. If AEW had been around in 2014 and they had Punk signed right after he walked out, and proceeded to do nothing with him for months and cool off all his momentum, you would have a point. But that's not even remotely what happened. If anything, as soon as the Punk buzz started up again (with rumors of his return), they capitalized on it immediately by booking a show in Chicago on short notice and having him immediately debut and have a match set up for the next PPV. All of this happened within weeks of there being rumors of him returning.
WCW just let Bret cool off, then had him come back as a referee in a program centered around two other wrestlers
Punk just beat Sasha/Becky in the demo
LOL. the montreal screwjob was nowhere near as big as the pipe-bomb.
i keep telling yall, wrestling fans who werent WWF fanatics didnt really care about the montreal screwjob. on the other hand, you didnt even have to watch wrestling to know about the pipe-bomb. not to mention, CM punk went and tried his hand in UFC afterwards. ESPN even reported CM Punk signing with AEW. him signing to AEW is way bigger than bret signing to the the WCW or bret finally returning to the WWF. Its bigger than both of them chits combined.
also a big star debuting in a new promotion/territory as a special enforcer is guest referree was commonplace. the WWF used to do the same thing. again, these are argument based on modern-day logic. nobody was complaining about that in real-time.
again and no disrespect but these are generic arguments pushed thru the internet with WWF logic. if you watched WCW, you'd know monumental moments happened on free TV plenty. plus, almost all of the WCW ppvs had meaning. not just a few like in the WWF. and this idea that it shouldve happened at starcade is some WWF chit. they didnt save all their moments for one show like the WWF did with wrestlemania. hell, starcade never even had the most stacked card at any point in WCW. they acknowledged starcade as the grand-daddy of them all in wrestling altogether but they didnt treat it as the be-all/end all. they only did that in the '80s NWA.
and hogan/goldberg on nitro was indeed a huge deal and it occurred inside a packed dome, similar to hogan/luger the year prior but yall gloss over that tho.
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