Bounty Hunter
Kids father is a bum if he dont handle that
Kids father is a bum if he dont handle that
I’m not being sarcastic here - would you get into a physical altercation with Kurt angles brother?
I know it’s important to protect family but not sure how to “handle that” - Eric Angle obviously knows how to scrap
:DeadHenry:Let's all be glad the kid didn't come out with a broken freakin' neck.
Promote child abuse brehs.Wasnt that bad lol...
He didnt throw the kid to the ground
Imagine the uproar if this aired today.
If i seen it id scrap on spot
If i saw this video im getting a gun and shooting both him and kurt angle if he there.
You just let it happen cuz dude can fight? Ive seen my pops lift a man off his feet by his tie just for cutting us off in traffic. Lift my kid up like that? Ima make sure you get a beating one way or another. 1v1 or 5v1.
If i seen it id scrap on spot
If i saw this video im getting a gun and shooting both him and kurt angle if he there.
You just let it happen cuz dude can fight? Ive seen my pops lift a man off his feet by his tie just for cutting us off in traffic. Lift my kid up like that? Ima make sure you get a beating one way or another. 1v1 or 5v1.