BK The Great
I hate those stupid citibikes all over the place. Makes it hard to cross streets.
I seen a few sitting in the old railyard below queens plaza the bridge where the underpass is...
How long before mans is found in a hotel room in some tightly whities with some cocaine and a homo?
Don’t these belong to AmTrak and LIRR?
Ya. I ride through there when I'm on the lirrDon’t these belong to AmTrak and LIRR?
Ya'll were right....this place has become a playground for rich a$$holes and out of touch hipster shytheads
I dont know they've been there for years freight trains usually run across the bridge into them, maybe i have to double check
I've seen frieght trains use the hellgate bridge BUT currently I don't know
no that’s the Amtrak. That’s helllsgate bridge right? I do know Amtrak shares tracks with CSX but I ain’t know they pass through nyc
Yep freight still comes herethey share the hellgate i believe...