Epstein Thread: His brother says Barr cover up; Scumbag Alan Dershowitz asked Trump to pardon Maxwell; Epstein commits suicide! :damn:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Surveillance footage outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during first suicide attempt is missing
Stephen Rex Brown
New York Daily News |

Dec 18, 2019 | 6:08 PM


Jeffrey Epstein (AP)

Surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at the troubled Metropolitan Correctional Center during his first suicide attempt has gone missing, prosecutors revealed Wednesday.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold admitted nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell the multimillionaire perv shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione during a hearing in White Plains District Court. Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor cop, faces the death penalty for the alleged murders in a drug deal gone bad.

A spokesman for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office and Bruce Barket, an attorney for Tartaglione, confirmed the stunning revelation that the footage was not preserved.

Tartaglione’s attorneys filed a request for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s unsuccessful suicide attempt on July 23, Barket said.


Former Briarcliff Manor police officer, Nick Tartaglione (pictured), was arrested Monday, December 19, 2016 and charged with a quadruple homicide in Orange County. (Obtained by News)
“It is on the surface troubling,” Barket said. “I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve found out more details.”

Judge Kenneth Karas asked the government look further into what happened to the footage.

The Daily News previously reported that Tartaglione claimed to have saved Epstein’s life after the pedophile perv tried to hang himself. Epstein reportedly claimed that Tartaglione attacked him.

“Nick acted appropriately and admirably,” Barket said.

The video footage was relevant to Tartaglione’s defense because it is potentially evidence of the ex-cop’s good character. In the event Tartaglione is found guilty and reaches the death penalty phase, the Epstein incident could possibly be evidence showing why he doesn’t deserve to die.

Epstein successfully hanged himself in a different cell two weeks later after the first attempt. His body was discovered on Aug. 10. Two correctional officers have been charged with neglecting their duties and falsifying records the night of Epstein’s death.

Barket said that Tartaglione has still not been questioned about Epstein’s suicide. Multiple probes are underway about how Epstein managed to kill himself in federal lock up.

Stephen Rex Brown covers New York courts and criminal justice issues, with a focus on Manhattan Federal Court and Manhattan Supreme Court.

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