God Emperor of SOHH
Entertainment is being used as a Weapon of Black Destruction !
what if you knew how much the military complex invests in games like halo and other fps games and companies like nvidia and ati.Is there a video on video games & movies are self destructive on mass school shootings? Weak minded people and people that doesn't have hope in life fall for the shenanigans. He make good points, very good points but like a few post above says this is already is known.
Entertainment is being used as a Weapon of Black Destruction !
Is there a video on video games & movies are self destructive on mass school shootings? Weak minded people and people that doesn't have hope in life fall for the shenanigans. He make good points, very good points but like a few post above says this is already is known.'m not making any distinctions.
i have a feeling gamers will immediately dismiss this study and respond "I've been playing video games all my life.... anyone who can't separate entertainment from real life is weak minded"
I've had this exact argument tons of times, I welcome you to post this study in the Arcadium, I'd love to be proven wrong.
.what if you knew how much the military complex invests in games like halo and other fps games and companies like nvidia and ati.
the military complex wants young men to feel hopeless so that they can enlist in the military.
and when you're a victim of these socially engineered psychos THEN you'll believe it's real. sitting over there in the grave wondering who to blame. the person or the corporation exploiting them.
i've been saying this all along.
no self respecting black male should be listening or be influenced by this garbage.. this is just black face music.