The shooting may not have been race related but the actions afterwards were. Are you a CAC btw?
this shyt happens to much to be an exception...a 20 year old young black lady in lousianna was set on fire by a klansmen earlier this month and we have this story here posted by the how come none of these so called "hood" "gangsta" nikkas do anything about it when law enforcement turns the other cheek?
until we start wettin' bammas up on an eye for an eye type shyt, this will always happen, violence repsects violence, until you mollywhop or murk that bully he ain't gonna respect you....
case in point, you take that action it will be reaction...that's my motto 'til the day i die slow...
i'm not a "CAC". yea true the cover up most likely is cause the employer was white and/or rich but we don't now why he did it yet. it could of been for various reasons so i don't see why we should assume it race related when we don't know yet.
dude that turned out to be fake.
When I see the anguish and pain in that fathers face I just cant help but to think how does someone get shot over loud music??
44 Magnum Desert Eagle pistol, pointed it at Hoskins, and pulled the trigger, fatally wounding his young employ in the jaw.
so the witnesses talked to people but aint say sh!t bout what went down?????