My mom's death broke me in a way.
I haven't been the same since. She passed on May 28th 2018. It was Memorial Day that year. I try not to be a Grinch but I really dislike holidays now as well.
I made a thread in TSC and The Coliseum about it. This site helped me through it more than a lot of people I know in real life.
I just try to enjoy life and live one day at a time.
None of us are promised tomorrow. May our mothers both rest in paradise breh.
I’m saying this to myself as well because I forget at times.
But just because your mother is gone doesn’t mean your relationship with her ends, can’t grow or transform. Even before we get to the spiritual side of the equation, wether you can reach out and touch her, how you feel about her is still being shaped, reinforced and influencing so much.
It is very much possible to find peace and common ground with your loved ones even if they can’t exactly give you feedback.
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