its not even about the jewrlee
add "AND ITS TRASH!!!!" to the title
"I'm so narcissistic when I fart I sniff it"
"You got buns I got aspergers/ass burgers"
"You got an ass thick as them accents"
"Lets get turnt like a shish kebab"
"This pickle that we're in is hard to deal/dill"
"Your head game is a mind fukk"
"Booty is heavy duty like diarrhea"
“I’m at your neck like pez dispensers”
“Cause real t*ts are still fun but everyone knows that fake t*ts are still better than real ones"
“Grabs the crown off my dikk and blows me to kingdom come”
"Like Johnny, he'll only unite us/Unitas"
I actually just shyt on my last chick, and she has what my ex lacks