Embracing and Promoting this "Racism is Opressing us" Idea Keeps Black People Down

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
If accepting your repeated posting of homosexual pornography is forward thinking, I'm fine where we're at. :manny:


Jun 9, 2012
I cosign this thread. But some people won't understand where u coming from. There is a way to inform your children about racism and its history without instilling the victim mentality but unfortunately many black parents hurt their children by telling them over and over how much whitey has hurt them and how much they have held their family back. Like during Black History month, I get sick and tired of hearing bout slavery.

:salute: You get it. As far as the Black History Month, I remember having this convo with my girl. All you hear about is slavery and how black people have been victims. We don't learn about Africa before white people invaded. I don't remember learning about Malcolm X in any meaningful capacity, the black panthers, marcus garvey, or anything else alluding to blacks being self sufficient.

I think the people disagreeing with me just can't understand that you can acknowledge the root causes of a situation, but to continue to use is as an excuse for your failure to progress is not self serving in any way.

To go back to my ditch analogy, if a bully pushes you into a ditch you can either sit there, cry, live in fear, instill in your kids that the superior bully is the reason they live in a ditch OR you can decide that you have the ability and duty to get yourself out. What I'm saying is FUKK the bully! Take the fear and superiority you're mentally giving him out of your psyche and put the responsibility and duty on yourself to get yourself out. I guarantee the latter option will yield better results.

Example: The number one killer of black people is heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes. All diet and exercise related conditions. Because I suggest we'd be better off getting our diets in order doesn't mean I don't know about "food deserts" or how black neighborhoods don't have access to quality produce. Lack of access is "the ditch" in this scenario. But whats stopping us from learning how to grow our own sh*t (I'm being dead serious)? Forming community gardens and bartering with each other with our produce? Then, our health wouldn't be determined by where a corporation decides to put a grocery store.

But when you start talking like that n*ggas are QUICK to hit you with the :rudy: :whoa: "n8gga, black people solving our own problems? We can't do that! We just gotta keep complaining until the bully decides to let us eat right."