Embracing and Promoting this "Racism is Opressing us" Idea Keeps Black People Down


Jun 9, 2012
Kinda long. But I want to vent some ideas I've been thinking...

Let me first say, yes, racism is real. It still exists. But its nowhere near the top of the list in terms of things negatively impacting the AA condition. My biggest problem is that we've allowed racism to become this big boogey man that's holding us back. Adopting this victim mentality allows us to psychologically avoid the accountability it takes to improve our condition and as a result we stay where we are complaining. I was watching the Trayvon Martin coverage and I saw an older black mother saying in light of the Zimmerman verdict she's now afraid to let her son go out and play. Her fear is that the boogeyman of racism could at any second snatch her child's life from her all because of this one incident. The reality is as a black man in this country, her son is probably 20 times more likely to be murdered by another Black man that any random racist white guy. That's a much bigger problem. But we've been so conditioned to believe racism is our biggest enemy that we're constantly looking outward instead of inward.

I used to work as a vocational consultant helping out of work folks find jobs. I can't tell you how many times I've given a job lead to a client and got "Oh, you know they're racist over there. They ain't trying to hire no black people." Again, This is an individual effectively eliminating himself from an opportunity because of fear of the racism boogey man.

Another example: Colin Powell at one point had the credibility, skills, and respect to pursue and win the presidency. After conversing with his wife he decided that the risk was just too great. A black man making it to the highest office in the land would surely face assassination attempts at the hands of a crazy racist. He ended up taking a subservient role under George Bush. Lending his credibility to prop up a unjust war that he later admitted to regretting. probably the biggest regret of his life. The boogey man won again.

Contrast him with Barack Obama who came of age post civil rights era. Raised by his white mother and grandparents who told him he could do and be anything he wanted to be and nothing could stop him. He aimed at the top and made it.

And this is my point. Our fear of, paranoia, and preoccupation with racism has become a bigger detriment than racism itself. If you have kids I think you're doing them a huge disservice inoctrinating them with this idea that wherever they go in life they will be met with this invisible gravity like force of racism that will hold them back. Again, this sh*t has a psychological affect that allows someone to view themselves as a victim instead of a person who is empowered to take charge of their own destiny.

What do you think Coli brehs and brehettes?


May 1, 2012
I didn't bother reading, but just judging by the title I can tell that you're full of shyt. The problem isn't that black people use racism as an excuse too much, the problem is that black people don't even know or understand what racism is. This is why we have so much self hate running rampant amongst us. This is why you have polls coming out saying that black people think that black people are more racist than whites. You sound like a white apologist.


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
lemme be the first to call you a c00n if you can't see the racism is a systematic failure for us black folks.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
I think we need to use racism to empower us, rather than bow to it. I don't call white people my oppressor, because I'm going to get mine regardless. Racism exists, which is why we need to band together to create our own situations. How backwards is it to reach the pinnacle of education, and then see sending out your resume in hopes that a white person hires you as your ONLY way of using your degree?

We live in the age where it's more possible than ever to start businesses, and black people spend about a trillion dollars supporting the American economy. The best way to not give a fukk about racism is to not have to rely on the system that doesn't fukk with you in the first place.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Kinda long. But I want to vent some ideas I've been thinking...

Let me first say, yes, racism is real. It still exists. But its nowhere near the top of the list in terms of things negatively impacting the AA condition. My biggest problem is that we've allowed racism to become this big boogey man that's holding us back. Adopting this victim mentality allows us to psychologically avoid the accountability it takes to improve our condition and as a result we stay where we are complaining. I was watching the Trayvon Martin coverage and I saw an older black mother saying in light of the Zimmerman verdict she's now afraid to let her son go out and play. Her fear is that the boogeyman of racism could at any second snatch her child's life from her all because of this one incident. The reality is as a black man in this country, her son is probably 20 times more likely to be murdered by another Black man that any random racist white guy. That's a much bigger problem. But we've been so conditioned to believe racism is our biggest enemy that we're constantly looking outward instead of inward.

I used to work as a vocational consultant helping out of work folks find jobs. I can't tell you how many times I've given a job lead to a client and got "Oh, you know they're racist over there. They ain't trying to hire no black people." Again, This is an individual effectively eliminating himself from an opportunity because of fear of the racism boogey man.

Another example: Colin Powell at one point had the credibility, skills, and respect to pursue and win the presidency. After conversing with his wife he decided that the risk was just too great. A black man making it to the highest office in the land would surely face assassination attempts at the hands of a crazy racist. He ended up taking a subservient role under George Bush. Lending his credibility to prop up a unjust war that he later admitted to regretting. probably the biggest regret of his life. The boogey man won again.

Contrast him with Barack Obama who came of age post civil rights era. Raised by his white mother and grandparents who told him he could do and be anything he wanted to be and nothing could stop him. He aimed at the top and made it.

And this is my point. Our fear of, paranoia, and preoccupation with racism has become a bigger detriment than racism itself. If you have kids I think you're doing them a huge disservice inoctrinating them with this idea that wherever they go in life they will be met with this invisible gravity like force of racism that will hold them back. Again, this sh*t has a psychological affect that allows someone to view themselves as a victim instead of a person who is empowered to take charge of their own destiny.

What do you think Coli brehs and brehettes?

When black people say there is racism, then there is.

While the likelihood of the zimmerman situation, repeating itself is low. There is a possibility and the blatancy of a lack of justice is going to increase an uneasiness around whites.


Jun 9, 2012
lemme be the first to call you a c00n if you can't see the racism is a systematic failure for us black folks.

From a historical perspective of course. If you're saying the systematic monster of white supremacy has created the condition we find ourselves in then yes. I'm with you on that. What I'm asking you is NOW WHAT? White people are responsible for our condition. We're responsible for improving it. You don't see that?

If we're minding our business and somebody throws us in a deep ditch the intelligent brother is going to say how can we work together to get ourselves out? The weak brother is going to say 'what's the point in trying to get out??? The scary bully is just gonna stop us or throw us back in once we do make it. We may as well get comfy here." Which one are you?


Jun 9, 2012
Over / under till someone calls you a c00n.... I'm saying 6 posts, excluding this one.

And them n*ggas are ignorant. In my mind a c00n is a n*gga who is inferior and feels he must bow down and wait for the benevolent white man to solve his problems. He believes that as long as the white man has his foot on his neck, there is no way of progressing. Its the reason African and Carribean immigrants out perform us academically at embarrassing levels. They don't indoctrinate themselves with this crap. The c00n has been so castrated by fear that that he is convinced he is in fact incapable of solving his own problems because racism is more powerful than his own initiative. I'm saying if we changed our thinking, we're capable enough to lift ourselves up. If you think thats c**nish then I don't know what to tell you.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
I cosign this thread. But some people won't understand where u coming from. There is a way to inform your children about racism and its history without instilling the victim mentality but unfortunately many black parents hurt their children by telling them over and over how much whitey has hurt them and how much they have held their family back. Like during Black History month, I get sick and tired of hearing bout slavery.


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
For the longest Black People need to understand. It's not racism. You are living in an occupation. You live in an invisible box of occupation. The same rules that apply to them do not apply to you. Once you start understand the rules of your world, you will see it as such. Racism is just a reaction to the rules that have been set for you. We are a people without a nation living in an occupied land. Be careful out there.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
For the longest Black People need to understand. It's not racism. You are living in an occupation. You live in an invisible box of occupation. The same rules that apply to them do not apply to you. Once you start understand the rules of your world, you will see it as such. Racism is just a reaction to the rules that have been set for you. We are a people without a nation living in an occupied land. Be careful out there.

In a stolen land by demonic followers who only came here for ill content.

The TS has no clue what he is talking about or else this would have been the last question he would have asked.


May 1, 2012
And them n*ggas are ignorant. In my mind a c00n is a n*gga who is inferior and feels he must bow down and wait for the benevolent white man to solve his problems. He believes that as long as the white man has his foot on his neck, there is no way of progressing. Its the reason African and Carribean immigrants out perform us academically at embarrassing levels. They don't indoctrinate themselves with this crap. The c00n has been so castrated by fear that that he is convinced he is in fact incapable of solving his own problems because racism is more powerful than his own initiative. I'm saying if we changed our thinking, we're capable enough to lift ourselves up. If you think thats c**nish then I don't know what to tell you.

:manny: I don't think it's c00nish at all I was just warning ya. Around here, if you're not calling everything racist and blaming white people for all your life's ills, you're labeled a c00n. It's not the most forward-thinking forum, you'll find.