Why?Hell of a run, looks like it’s over for Bitcoin
Why?Hell of a run, looks like it’s over for Bitcoin
A true pyramid scheme has no actual value. There is a list of coins that have real world value. Cardano just got a contact with the Ethiopian government to use their blockchain for their student records, grades etc.its all a pyramid scheme
Coinbase connects to PayPaldo any of these crypto wallets connect to Paypal or venmo? not no bank account?
It really does seem as if dogecoin is poised to overtake bitcoin.
20/20 vision my guyu wear glasses Poindexter
20/20 vision my guy
Hell of a run, looks like it’s over for Bitcoin
I’m seriously like “WTF am I reading???”
On January 1st, ETH was $737.Yes the early adopters, we brought it in years ago, the people who made money of doge were holding it for 2 years
all these bandwagoners think they gonna hop in and get rich and don't realize they are just the bag holders for the first bag holders of the people who got rich
it's the rob peter to pay paul scenario, you can tell these nikkaz ain't from the streets