Black Haven
We will find another road to glory!!!
I’m pretty much aware of most of this information. I was just addressing the poster saying most American engineers would not take 130k when most(even the most experienced) would be happy to even sniff that number. As for me realistically if everything goes right in the upcoming years, 70k would be a nice salary to start with.Im not saying people dont make that much, but they really dont on average. depends what part of the industry ya get in. Those google engineers make bank but thats like super advanced, reg engineers aint going there. Only ivys and top schools or great experience.
But just like anything, theres low end and high end to it, and you can make super money on the low end if you own the business. But low end you aint getting 130k a year out if school… google maybe with high end tech. But theres only so many of them jobs and then ya talking govt clearances and being monitored.
Engineers work for the love of the work. Usually not very standoffish or aggressive. And the companies use their nature against them and pay them dikk.