Conservative white men love talking about "meritocracy" when it comes to shytting on black people, but they never had to live in a society with true meritocracy, and when forced to they are not ready to actually compete in a meritocratic society. When forced to live in a true meritocratic society they are forced to come to terms with their own mediocracy. That's why they romanticize the 1950's so much, because it was an era when government and society was purposefully built to accommodate white mediocracy at the expense of everyone else including even white women.
In the 1950's college was damn near free for them. When they got out of college they had a monopoly on all the good jobs that paid good salaries while black people were forced to exclusively work the shytty jobs for shyt pay. They got government subsidized homes with low interest loans that basically gave them a new house for free. In a liberalized free market capitalist society they actually have to compete for the American dream now, and they don't know how to compete

Now the based oligarch they thought had their best interest at heart is exposing himself to be a greedy capitalist that will sell out Americans to baloon his net worth even further.
Congratulations MAGA, you played yourself.