Elon is the shadow president. If he becomes the next President, it may be over for America as we know it


President, BYNKRadio.com (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
If you're gonna hint at a (((globalist))) conspiracy theory, just say it.

I'm not sure it's a conspiracy at this point, mostly my views based on my understanding.

Long read (TLDR at the bottom):

In this country the people with the most power (as a group), are and have always been investors. The people who give money to make money. The ones who are the first to get their cut, the first group anyone who wants some money goes to when they have a decent idea. Investors are, by design, the ones at the top of the pyramid in capitalism. Globally, America has been the dominant Investor since the Euro powers fell from in fighting during WWII (which was an ideological war of facism vs capitalism not good vs evil). America is the core effectivness of the World Banc and IMF. The military industrial complex was built out to ensure "our" international dollars were protected.

The problem with being the investor is you are prioritized as the most important part of a payment process but you dont make or create any tangible goods or services to feed the economy. It means the system doesnt work well (in its current format) if most members of the system are investors. It needs to be a limited minority of people or the pyramid is top heavy and slows economic growth to a crawl. Investors as a group value one thing: growth. The problem is outside of emerging technologies America has no new markets to dominate. There are only two way they can continue to grow:
- Opportunity disenfranchisement (influencing civil systems to syphon wealth from other classes)
- Increased martial domination of other groups globally

Both of these are taking place in and outside America. GWOT wasn't a freedom war it was a way to rob government coffers for private citizens. The Wall Street bailouts are an example of opportunity disenfranchisement, and most people see now that the wealthy play by a different set of rules in America especially when it comes to finance.

So what does the wealthy America capitalist do when America has reach its capacity for dominance globally? He goes into business for himself. He gets off the America train and he build his own. He does business with nation states that have a frosty relationship with America and does what is possible to worm his way into other Nations economies. He becomes a true globalist in a way that never would've happened in the 60s because the U.S. government could shut down billionaires in that era for doing things like that, but it no longer has the teeth to. Now the focus is to become an entity that is too big to fail. An entity that can't be shutdown by any one nation state, because he's got too much money that's important to too many countries and has important relationships with all of them.

For people like Trump and Musk America isn't some prestigious great country. It's simply an Bank they can rob when they want with impunity, its a gun they can point at others to rob them. They are aware that America's future long term isn't to be the top global power. When you liquidate almost anything you are destroying it's future in the process. The Military industrial complex is no longer the dominant voice in government and wont be again. GWOT was great for the American wealthy but it was also great for China.

We spent blood and treasure on GWOT empowering the rich for very little strategic value while China was intentionally buying all the economic choke points that made America most dominant in the first place. The most important commodities required for tangible industrial growth are all globally dominated by China. It's part of the reason is they are continuing to heavily invest in Africa. They understand that if they control the building blocks needed for industry globally they control industry globally. The U.S. is large enough to sustain itself without China, most of the world isnt. Growth comes from taking other people's money and cycling in your community. If China controls the outside money they control the ability to grow. Wealthy capitalist understand that and know the way they grow and survive is by becoming "international" citizens. People who don't have an ideology connected to where they're from but more around what they want. They dont have loyalty to anything but growth. The goal of Trump and Musk is to get wealthier before China reaches critical mass in the next 30 years and is a global power that will dictate to anyone regardless of their standing. China brings its Billionaires to heel quickly and often publically. It's a situation for the America wealthy that isn't dissimilar to Latin cartel owners never wanting to be extradited to America. Narcos fear extradition not because prisons are so terrible but because they can't bribe anyone as easily. Western capitalist rules don't apply the same in an area dominated by the Chinese. Business Billionaires in China are just wealthy cogs in a machine, but they are separated from the govt control apparatus (in the ability to influence it at a higher level) and don't have much more power than an America entertainer has in U.S. government.

TLDR: Musk and Trump represent a substantial group of Western capitalists that are willing to liquidate the America economy and change it a way that makes American citizenry permanent wage slaves in an Nation state that doesnt have much influence outside the western hemisphere. The purpose of this to ensure individual growth for the wealthy globally and be too big to fail at an international level. It's a plot out of the neo-con playbook that started with Cheney, and it's being sped up on response to China's 2000s era rise as an international power. And it's not a coincidence that some Billionaires that are very vocal in America politics are so quiet now.


All Star
Jan 23, 2016
What the fukk did Tom Hanks ever do to him? :dahell:

Idk but that's a defamation lawsuit in the making
