The Only time the Jews were worried about antisemitism in the west and worldwide was when they didn’t have a country of their own, before the creation of the modern state of Israël in 1948. They knew they had to stick together and fight against anti-Jewish attitude and laws in Europe, America, etc because they were a rootless people without power and a nation. They were the eternal guests in someone’s house. Many of them even chose social/cultural assimilation and conversion to Catholicism/Protestantism in order to escape discrimination.
The Zionist movement was founded in 1896 by activist and writer Theodor Herzl, convinced of the hopeless situation of his fellow Jews in Europe. He wrote the book Der Juden Star (« the Jewish state » in German language ) where all European Jews could move to and become independent, proud and free. He stopped believing in assimilation. In his mind, Jews weren’t going to be accepted as Europeans and and would always be victim of direct because they were foreigners.
@DrBanneker’s thread of aGerman anti-semitism during WW1, Weimar Republic era and Nazi was interesting . The book he recommended in that thread was insightful
viii, 229 p. ; 24 cm
Here’s another book I recommend about the history of German Jews :
446 pages : 21 cm
The Jewish German experience in the late 18th century until 1945 closely Mirrors the 400-year black American experience in the United States of America:
Chattel Slavery, Segregation, discrimination
Ghettos, segregation, pogroms, discrimination, holocaust
Both groups are/were minorities in their own countries.
Jewish nationalists/Zionists= pro-black power nationalists
Jewish moderate assimilationists= Black moderate/liberal democrats
Jewish nazis = black American maga cult members. c00ns who thought they were the good ones and wanted to be accepted/validated by the white supremacist power structure.