
The Media tonight after hyping all those Horse Race Polls. Also the Republican "Bench" or Next Generation took a big hit with these results
Youngkin - Lost both chambers after only 2 years in. Ran hard on the Abortion issue. Major L will not be able to pass much in his last two years
Desantis - Really thinks he's winning a general election with a 6 week Abortion Ban that he's double and tripled down on. Even if he somehow beats Trump, he can't run away from that.
Camron - Handpicked By Trump. Thought he had it in the bag and that sh!t was sweet until he got that wake up call today. He also went hard on the Abortion issue.
The bottom line wither you're for or against Abortion, it's a personal medical issue. The State should not govern the rights of an individual to make medical decisions. The best strategy for "So called" Pro-lifers is education and making sure Mothers have the resources they need if they do decide to keep the pregnancy. If someone wants an Abortion that is their personal medical choice with their doctor and partner. Your Religious views should not be mandated over every Woman in the Country. Sorry, not happening. Majority of Americans feel that way no matter what Republicans say.
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