Election Day 2023: Let's Talk About It


Aug 17, 2012
New York City

The Media tonight after hyping all those Horse Race Polls. Also the Republican "Bench" or Next Generation took a big hit with these results

Youngkin - Lost both chambers after only 2 years in. Ran hard on the Abortion issue. Major L will not be able to pass much in his last two years

Desantis - Really thinks he's winning a general election with a 6 week Abortion Ban that he's double and tripled down on. Even if he somehow beats Trump, he can't run away from that.

Camron - Handpicked By Trump. Thought he had it in the bag and that sh!t was sweet until he got that wake up call today. He also went hard on the Abortion issue.

The bottom line wither you're for or against Abortion, it's a personal medical issue. The State should not govern the rights of an individual to make medical decisions. The best strategy for "So called" Pro-lifers is education and making sure Mothers have the resources they need if they do decide to keep the pregnancy. If someone wants an Abortion that is their personal medical choice with their doctor and partner. Your Religious views should not be mandated over every Woman in the Country. Sorry, not happening. Majority of Americans feel that way no matter what Republicans say.
Last edited:
May 1, 2012

I'll keep saying it: show me a Trump path where he wins MI, PA, or WI because I sure as fukk don't see it. Democrat governors, democrat secretaries of state, democrat controlled courts...early voting access is going to wreck Trump next year. Again.

I've been looking at the electoral map for a while now and I just don't see a path. I think Biden is winning Michigan and PA for sure. WI is likely.

Tell me where it's gonna happen.

Biden can LOSE Georgia. Biden can LOSE Ohio. Biden can LOSE Florida. Biden can LOSE Arizona. Biden can LOSE Nevada even.

If he wins those three states you just mentioned he is getting to exactly 270 (maybe 271 depending on how Maine splits).

Oh and how about this Republican pipedream where they take Virginia? You see how that's going for them tonight... :mjlol:


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013
There seems to be a lot of voter apathy on the right. I don't know what it is. They accused us of cult worship of Obama when he ran. He's no longer on the ballot but we are showing up in droves. The right just doesn't understand that THEY made it so that we can't take off any election cycle ever.

Ever since 2016, the Social Media Right Wing bubble has promoted, retweeted and boosted Right Wing talking points. It has led to a false sense of base.

Lets just 25 are legit people voting for the right, but they put out a Anti-Vaxx tweet and it gets boosted by bots and suddenly those 24 people are lumped in with 5,000 RT; mostly bots.

Right-Wings are led to believe 5,000 agree with them when it's less then that, plus Red Covid in Red States that cooked the numbers. In a morbid sense, they should have counted them, because states like Texas and Florida really don't know how many Republicans have died of COVID; counting them of heart attack and strokes.

So it leads to apathy, a lack of urgency, because voters believe 5,000 will vote on Election Night.

And that's just the numbers for voting, and not the budget...

Democrats focus on GOTV and Early Voting first, and because a majority of Democrats do it, Democrats can focus less about GOTV and instead go all in on attack adds before an election.

Republicans doesn't focus on GOTV, and instead have to budget their money on attack ads... something that is needed in a post-Roe vs. Wade, when Women are angry and voting against them.

In a long story short... its not just one thing that Republicans need to fix, but also at the same time, HOW do you fix it when Trump runs the party and is using your budget for his legal bills?


Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
Ever since 2016, the Social Media Right Wing bubble has promoted, retweeted and boosted Right Wing talking points. It has led to a false sense of base.

Lets just 25 are legit people voting for the right, but they put out a Anti-Vaxx tweet and it gets boosted by bots and suddenly those 24 people are lumped in with 5,000 RT; mostly bots.

Right-Wings are led to believe 5,000 agree with them when it's less then that, plus Red Covid in Red States that cooked the numbers. In a morbid sense, they should have counted them, because states like Texas and Florida really don't know how many Republicans have died of COVID; counting them of heart attack and strokes.

So it leads to apathy, a lack of urgency, because voters believe 5,000 will vote on Election Night.

And that's just the numbers for voting, and not the budget...

Democrats focus on GOTV and Early Voting first, and because a majority of Democrats do it, Democrats can focus less about GOTV and instead go all in on attack adds before an election.

Republicans doesn't focus on GOTV, and instead have to budget their money on attack ads... something that is needed in a post-Roe vs. Wade, when Women are angry and voting against them.

In a long story short... its not just one thing that Republicans need to fix, but also at the same time, HOW do you fix it when Trump runs the party and is using your budget for his legal bills?

I literally just read this today breh


Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012

I been saying this for two years. The trans stuff is only important to far right wing people. Normal folks don’t know or care about that shyt. And most Americans don’t want to look like a$$holes so they tend to have some level of sympathy for people with mental or emotional issues.

This is a trap republicans created for themselves.