Educated Brother Gives White Nationalist A Lesson on European History. (Update: Cacs are trying to get him swatted)


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
The issue is, a lot of black people in the Western world, know very little about geopolitics and when they try to, they analyze geopolitics mostly with emotions and from the white perspective. Plus, due to programming, they can easily separate Whites into different groups, but don't see how dumb it is for them to constantly group a region with more ethnic groups and diversity than Europe. PS: Europe has like 109 different ethnic groups, while Africa has more than 3,000 different ethnic groups.

Truth is, tribalism never ended with Cacs, and a proof of this is Ethnic Russians constantly trying to wipe off their Cac neighbors. Ethnic Russians are right now killing Ethnic Ukrainians. Or the fact, that the deadliest wars in the past 100 years, were between Cacs from different ethnic groups killing each other. Cacs transform these barbarities into movies, sell to the masses, and later you even have black people romanticizing these wars.

The Yamato people(basically Ethnic Japanese), went on a killing spree, killing millions all over Asia. Killing and raping millions of their brothers, Han Chinese. Killing and enslaving millions of their Korean brothers.

On the other had, you easily have black countries that never had tribal wars, like Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana...The people who constantly mention tribalism only know Nigeria and Ethiopia, at maximum DRCongo too lol

So, a lot of black people in the Western World should just come out and admit it, that they make a lot of excuses and nonsense because they are comfortable with the western life(nothing wrong with that), don't know any other reality and want to keep it that way.

Heh. “Tribalism”

Let’s take Nigeria for example. There are 60-70 million Hausa, 45-50 million Yoruba and 40-45 million Igbos.

We’re tribes but 6 million Danes are a nation?

Dont be scary, you could tag me as you're insulting me.

IDGAF about how you feel. I live with an economist and shyt looking shabby, full stop. The white man been running hither and thither through the continent for the last 500 yrs. I don't compare myself to Europeans because I'm better than them. I expect you to be better as well, pls let me know if my expectations are too lofty.

We're not glomming ppl together out of ignorance, you're literally arranged in countries. Whether the borders are what you would have chosen or not, it is what it is. Thrive or perish.

You don't get to call ADOS divisive and then hand wave African tribalism. It don't matter what you call it, it's messy and needs to stop for the betterment of Africa. We're in the age of nations now, catch up.
Dec 13, 2019
Dont be scary, you could tag me as you're insulting me.

IDGAF about how you feel. I live with an economist and shyt looking shabby, full stop. The white man been running hither and thither through the continent for the last 500 yrs.

Never insulted you, just wrote the reality. Geopolitics is not to be analyzed with emotions. You need to know the context and facts.

You know nothing of what you are talking about. Colonialism in Africa, on average, lasted only 60 to 70 years. Until the late 19th century and early 20th century, most African regions were still independent. The only places where colonialism lasted, where the North African regions. Due to fact that European conquest simply replaced other conquerors. The Ottoman, and before them the Arabs, and before them, the Vandals, and before them, the Byzantine, and before them, the Romans and list keeps going.

Your statement even sounds more ridiculous, when you find out that individuals from most African ethnic groups, only started to interact with Whites in the early 20th century lmao.

So, if you want to see someone that doesn't know anything about African history, the first hint is that this person just repeats the 500 years nonsense. No one with perfect understanding history is repeating this. How do you get 500 years from 2 generations?

"I live with an economist"...More kindergarten nonsense. What is this even supposed to me? That your nonsense should be validated? :why:

I don't compare myself to Europeans because I'm better than them. I expect you to be better as well, pls let me know if my expectations are too lofty.

Yes, you do. Your standard is the European standard of viewing things. Whatever they praise or condemn, subconsciously, is also what you start praising or condemning.
You live in a Eurocentric society, and the views are shaped based on that. Who collects the data and feeds you the news? Who validates your data? Who dictates the rules? Easy answers...

We're not glomming ppl together out of ignorance, you're literally arranged in countries. Whether the borders are what you would have chosen or not, it is what it is. Thrive or perish.

Yeah, and despite most being new countries, many Afro countries have transitioned to middle and upper-middle income already. Africa is not a country, it is a continent. Not my fault that you know little about geography and only know Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia or only countries that are popularly discussed in the Western media.

You don't get to call ADOS divisive and then hand wave African tribalism. It don't matter what you call it, it's messy and needs to stop for the betterment of Africa. We're in the age of nations now, catch up.

To start, do you even know what tribalism is? Second, how am I waving tribalism? I already mentioned that I can easily point to many African countries that never had any tribal issues.

And, lady, if we are being honest, there is more division among you. You are somewhat of an homogeneous group. Homogeneous groups tend to have very little conflict. But since you want to talk about tribalism, then don't forget about your tribal issues, because the murder rate in majority AA cities, like Baltimore, Saint Louis etc, is way higher than the ones in most African countries.

Plus, when discussing tribalism, in Africa, you are discussing people from different ethnic groups and languages, going against each other. In the regions it happens, in Africa, it is ex: Fulani x Igbo or Amhara x Oromo, who are 2 different ethnic groups.

In the places where AAs are the majority and the clashes are high, the conflict is AAs x AAs, both from the same ethnic group, language and shared history.

Now, do I use that and just start repeating "BAs need to fix their tribal issues and fix the Black on Black crime"? Not at all. Because I am not ignorant on geopolitics and history related to any black ethnic group on earth. That's the difference, you speak on geopolitics with emotions, I speak with context and facts.

"Age of nations now" means what? Look at this one :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: You are just repeating what you saw other people saying or writing.
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All Star
Jan 22, 2016
Never insulted you, just wrote the reality. Geopolitics is not to be analyzed with emotions. You need to know the context and facts.

You know nothing of what you are talking about. Colonialism in Africa, on average, lasted only 60 to 70 years. Until the late 19th century and early 20th century, most African regions were still independent. The only places where colonialism lasted, where the North African regions. Due to fact that European conquest simply replaced other conquerors. The Ottoman, and before them the Arabs, and before them, the Vandals, and before them, the Byzantine, and before them, the Romans and list keeps going.

Your statement even sounds more ridiculous, when you find out that individuals from most African ethnic groups, only started to interact with Whites in the early 20th century lmao.

So, if you want to see someone that doesn't know anything about African history, the first hint is that this person just repeats the 500 years nonsense. No one with perfect understanding history is repeating this. How do you get 500 years from 2 generations?

"I live with an economist"...More kindergarten nonsense. What is this even supposed to me? That your nonsense should be validated? :why:

Yes, you do. Your standard is the European standard of viewing things. Whatever they praise or condemn, subconsciously, is also what you start praising or condemning.
You live in a Eurocentric society, and the views are shaped based on that. Who collects the data and feeds you the news? Who validates your data? Who dictates the rules? Easy answers...

Yeah, and despite most being new countries, many Afro countries have transitioned to middle and upper-middle income already. Africa is not a country, it is a continent. Not my fault that you know little about geography and only know Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia or only countries that are popularly discussed in the Western media.

To start, do you even know what tribalism is? Second, how am I waving tribalism? I already mentioned that I can easily point to many African countries that never had any tribal issues.

And, lady, if we are being honest, there is more division among you. You are somewhat of an homogeneous group. Homogeneous groups tend to have very little conflict. But since you want to talk about tribalism, then don't forget about your tribal issues, because the murder rate in majority AA cities, like Baltimore, Saint Louis etc, is way higher than the ones in most African countries.

Plus, when discussing tribalism, in Africa, you are discussing people from different ethnic groups and languages, going against each other. In the regions it happens, in Africa, it is ex: Fulani x Igbo or Amhara x Oromo, who are 2 different ethnic groups.

In the places where AAs are the majority and the clashes are high, the conflict is AAs x AAs, both from the same ethnic group, language and shared history.

Now, do I use that and just start repeating "BAs need to fix their tribal issues and fix the Black on Black crime"? Not at all. Because I am not ignorant on geopolitics and history related to any black ethnic group on earth. That's the difference, you speak on geopolitics with emotions, I speak with context and facts.

"Age of nations now" means what? Look at this one :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: You are just repeating what you saw other people saying or writing.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Tribalism only exists because african countries were literally forced into singular nations with people that they were earring against. You think if China and Japan were forced into a singular nation that a shyt show wouldn't evolve from that?

Every single continent went through their own version of a "world war" what makes you think Africa would be any different

Civility is an illusion, savagery is the true state of man

The only true way for Africa to progress is for certain countries to balkanize and a confederation being made to help spearhead and make sure that fair trade and economic progress can happen without the need of a 3rd party interfering
I learned about this in Ghana with the Ewe people. I took a trip to Hohoe, Volta and met some cats and they were explaining the history between Ghana and Togo and how the Europeans split their ethnic group in two between the 2 countries. I was there during Ghana Independence day and remember hearing on the radio about the issue of a nationalist Ewe flag being raised somewhere and the implications of a potential coup d'etat

Going to Volta was shocking as hell because I saw Jamaican flags everywhere and they were playing Ghanaian reggae music and singing in patois :dwillhuh:


World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
I learned about this in Ghana with the Ewe people. I took a trip to Hohoe, Volta and met some cats and they were explaining the history between Ghana and Togo and how the Europeans split their ethnic group in two between the 2 countries. I was there during Ghana Independence day and remember hearing on the radio about the issue of a nationalist Ewe flag being raised somewhere and the implications of a potential coup d'etat

Going to Volta was shocking as hell because I saw Jamaican flags everywhere and they were playing Ghanaian reggae music and singing in patois :dwillhuh:

Secessionists are at a all time high, I give it a few more decades before some country pulls the plug and decides to Balkanize


Jan 3, 2017
I learned about this in Ghana with the Ewe people. I took a trip to Hohoe, Volta and met some cats and they were explaining the history between Ghana and Togo and how the Europeans split their ethnic group in two between the 2 countries. I was there during Ghana Independence day and remember hearing on the radio about the issue of a nationalist Ewe flag being raised somewhere and the implications of a potential coup d'etat

Going to Volta was shocking as hell because I saw Jamaican flags everywhere and they were playing Ghanaian reggae music and singing in patois :dwillhuh:
I really don't see why this is shocking since Reggae has been huge in most parts of Africa since atleast the 1970s. Bob Marley's concert in Zimbabwe in 1980 broke attendance records.

Soul and Funk music were / are also extremely popular.


Mar 11, 2022
The issue is, a lot of black people in the Western world, know very little about geopolitics and when they try to, they analyze geopolitics mostly with emotions and from the white perspective. Plus, due to programming, they can easily separate Whites into different groups, but don't see how dumb it is for them to constantly group a region with more ethnic groups and diversity than Europe. PS: Europe has like 109 different ethnic groups, while Africa has more than 3,000 different ethnic groups.

Truth is, tribalism never ended with Cacs, and a proof of this is Ethnic Russians constantly trying to wipe off their Cac neighbors. Ethnic Russians are right now killing Ethnic Ukrainians. Or the fact, that the deadliest wars in the past 100 years, were between Cacs from different ethnic groups killing each other. Cacs transform these barbarities into movies, sell to the masses, and later you even have black people romanticizing these wars.

The Yamato people(basically Ethnic Japanese), went on a killing spree, killing millions all over Asia. Killing and raping millions of their brothers, Han Chinese. Killing and enslaving millions of their Korean brothers.

On the other had, you easily have black countries that never had tribal wars, like Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Gabon, Ghana...The people who constantly mention tribalism only know Nigeria and Ethiopia, at maximum DRCongo too lol

So, a lot of black people in the Western World should just come out and admit it, that they make a lot of excuses and nonsense because they are comfortable with the western life(nothing wrong with that), don't know any other reality and want to keep it that way.
What do you think Africans in the western world appear as? Like how do they present themselves