Like dont look at the top streams. Comparing yourself to them is useless. They already passed whatever algorthim twitch requires for them to step in and "make" you.
Got to take a look at the low level streams and see what they doing and build from there. Take a look at this channel
Been streaming 4+hours and have 5 subs already. So 25$ made
Donation of the day is 39.76. Now remember all donations are 100% yours(Minus whatever the service u use fee which is usually paypal) And thats just the top one of the day. Who knows how many others she got
She has a top gifter that gifted her(donated) over 153 times. Even if all 153 of those times are 1$ each which is the lowest a donation can be that still 153$ she made off one person.
This girl only been streaming since feb.
Like i said this is just off 4 hours of work. Please believe she making 6-800 a month straight from twitch. Thats not counting ANY donations or affiliate links or anything else.
Only thing i'll say is if u gonna do it do it right. Embrace that weeb/anime look. Cause those are the nerds that are paying u. The normal brehs who only watch twitch for duty and 2k aren't spending money on these twitch girls. It's the weirdos. Like just look at this girl clickart.
And again this is all in ADDITION to the "real money" which is selling pics on pateron. Twitch hoes are eating better then instagram models. PLZ BELIEVE that.