If you look at who dapped you, you might notice that Chewy dapped you because he literally agrees with your sentiments
Is that right
Uh, you are
Xbox Live to Cut Off Original Xbox Support on April 15
You just said paying $60 for discounts is worth it

I've seen the list, the shyt ain't worth $60 just to pay X amount to get a game

This is where you say "What do you get on XBL" and I would then reply "A stable safe online environment. You don't get that, but you do get Resident Evil 5 instead!!!"
Gamefly >>> PS+, there's no way around that

Lets see.. Resident Evil 5 or Resident Evil 6?
LOTR:Battle of Middle Earth or Tomb Raider & Crisis 3
I don't know man, you did say you get Streets of Rage from PSN arcade too right ;)
And yet you was in PS4 is not backward compatible thread screaming about how backwards compatibility was a non issue
Its now clear what your purpose here is, good day