Pro-black I don't pick cotton out an aspirin bottle ...
Fast-forward to 6:30
- Look at how he created and produced a show for Redd Foxx after the IRS took everything from him (The Royal Family)
- Look at all the black comedians in the cast of Norbit (Katt Williams, Mike Epps, Eddie Griffin, Marlon Wayans, Terry Crews, etc.)
- Hired his brother and close personal friends as his security team back in the 80s
I remember an old interview Eddie did with Spike Lee talking about all the things he was trying to do for black actors and comedians that "Hollywood" was blocking. (Spike and Eddie were doing a Marion Berry biopic. Don't know what happened to it.)
to Brother Eddie for keepin' it 100
Eddie GOAT
I also give Martin and the wayans brothers love as well because I like how they brought on older black actors and actresses on their tv shows...
Since the 90s I haven't seen black tv shows pay homage to passed black actors and actresses...I might be wrong, but I haven't seen it...
I give ice cube credit also for putting a lot of blacks on in his movies or behind-the-scenes
Eddie just carrying on tradition. Richard Pryor did the EXACT same thing with Eddie when he himself was coming up.
I know Eddie is a tranny chasing Cac bytch impregnating recluse now, but what he did for fellow black comedians and black actors during the late 80's-mid 90's was nothing short of fantastic. Can't be taken away from him..
or he just like tranny's like his idol Richard.I know for sure.One of my boys has an uncle who's a cop out in Los Angeles.He told my boy that they always saw Eddie Murphy cruising down Sunset Blvd.They even gave him a bunch of warnings, but Eddie kept coming back, so they were forced to arrest him.Said he was such a nice guy, the cops actually felt bad when they had to bust him.
They say he has a thing for young latino guys
But maybe he was extorted into being set up by some high ranking illuminati members who wanted to diminish his influence?...."either you do this or we kill your daughter"?
Yup. they have a kid now too.did he knock her up too????![]()
a New York illegal gambling house owner and his associates must deal with strong competition ,Elliot Hooper , a widower with three children, he is currently working on opening his new gambling spot . Elliot gets run over by a cab that is suspiciously linked to the Gambling house..Elliot comes back as a Ghost..a gambling ghost to take revenge.Someone write a one paragraph synopsis for a harlem night/ghost dad crossover.![]()
Pro-black I don't pick cotton out an aspirin bottle ...
Kevin Hart has been doing that hard body with his show.Eddie GOAT
I also give Martin and the wayans brothers love as well because I like how they brought on older black actors and actresses on their tv shows...
Since the 90s I haven't seen black tv shows pay homage to passed black actors and actresses...I might be wrong, but I haven't seen it...
I give ice cube credit also for putting a lot of blacks on in his movies or behind-the-scenes
What is the Tyler Perry route? No one has put as many Black actors to work as Tyler, not Murphy, not Spike, no one. And in damn near every one of his movies Black people are running shyt and white folks are subservient or an afterthought if even in it at all. The movies may not actually be good cinematically but Tyler Perry is a positive for Black people.To think how easy it would have been for him to go the Tyler Perry route
What is the Tyler Perry route? No one has put as many Black actors to work as Tyler, not Murphy, not Spike, no one. And in damn near every one of his movies Black people are running shyt and white folks are subservient or an afterthought if even in it at all. The movies may not actually be good cinematically but Tyler Perry is a positive for Black people.