Economists Say Inflation Would Be Worse Under Trump Than Biden


Jan 29, 2014
the wealth divide is such that tax cuts to wealthy people are not put back into the economy but more often reinvested into speculative and/or rent seeking activities which do not add commensurate value into the economy.

tax cuts to companies result in stock buy backs that distribute profits primarily to wealthy shareholders. rather than reinvesting the gains from tax cuts into more hiring and expansion which would more directly grow the economy with the surplus dollars.

the concept of trickle down economics has been repeatedly disproven at the academic level. however, the people who benefit the most from people believing in trickle down economics are those at the top of the economy, who continue to tell people it works and have the power to make sure that they are heard.
Look in the mirror, and ask yourself this question. Why do you live in a capitalist society with an education system that never taught you how to manage capital? You clearly have enough intelligence that should prevent you from these glaring oversights, perhaps motivated by emotional attachment to a position

I'm not here to change anyone's position on who they're voting for, I can really not care any less about that but perhaps this will help you next time you get into the topic of economics

What do you think happens when someone invests? It’s not about burying money and digging it up later. Investment involves allocating resources to create something of value—whether it’s a business, property, or any other venture. This process often requires hiring people, developing ideas, and bringing visions to life. When these investments come to fruition, they generate value for the economy and create opportunities. Investment is a vital driver of economic growth, not a passive activity removed from the real world

It’s a fundamental error to believe that money only circulates through wages. When capital is reinvested, it’s driving economic activity—whether through expanding businesses, funding new ventures, or purchasing assets. To suggest that reinvestment isn’t economic circulation is to misunderstand the very nature of how wealth creates opportunities, jobs, and growth. Money put to work in any part of the economy is circulation; it doesn’t need to pass through a paycheck to contribute to the overall economic vitality.

To claim that tax cuts don’t benefit the economy is to ignore the basic principles of economics. Wealth doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it’s used, invested, and circulated. When the wealthy invest in businesses or stocks, they’re fueling economic activity, creating jobs, and driving innovation. The idea that tax cuts only help the rich misses the fact that wealth creation leads to broader prosperity. It’s not about trickle-down; it’s about understanding that the economy thrives on incentives and growth, not punitive redistribution

Money flows where it’s treated best. Lower tax rates encourage businesses to bank domestically rather than offshore, as we saw with Apple. The logic is straightforward—no rational business will choose to park its capital abroad if the environment at home is more favorable. The incentives are clear: make America an attractive place for capital, and capital will stay here, contributing to economic growth and higher tax receipts. The idea is self-evident; economic behavior follows incentives

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to writing my book. I hope this helps someone


Nov 20, 2014
how does cracking down on illegal immigration effect inflation ? Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon illegals have nothing to do with it :yeshrug:

i think inflation would be just as bad with either party IMO :manny:
It shrinks the tax base, spending power and job markets.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Look in the mirror, and ask yourself this question. Why do you live in a capitalist society with an education system that never taught you how to manage capital? You clearly have enough intelligence that should prevent you from these glaring oversights, perhaps motivated by emotional attachment to a position

I'm not here to change anyone's position on who they're voting for, I can really not care any less about that but perhaps this will help you next time you get into the topic of economics

What do you think happens when someone invests? It’s not about burying money and digging it up later. Investment involves allocating resources to create something of value—whether it’s a business, property, or any other venture. This process often requires hiring people, developing ideas, and bringing visions to life. When these investments come to fruition, they generate value for the economy and create opportunities. Investment is a vital driver of economic growth, not a passive activity removed from the real world

It’s a fundamental error to believe that money only circulates through wages. When capital is reinvested, it’s driving economic activity—whether through expanding businesses, funding new ventures, or purchasing assets. To suggest that reinvestment isn’t economic circulation is to misunderstand the very nature of how wealth creates opportunities, jobs, and growth. Money put to work in any part of the economy is circulation; it doesn’t need to pass through a paycheck to contribute to the overall economic vitality.

To claim that tax cuts don’t benefit the economy is to ignore the basic principles of economics. Wealth doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it’s used, invested, and circulated. When the wealthy invest in businesses or stocks, they’re fueling economic activity, creating jobs, and driving innovation. The idea that tax cuts only help the rich misses the fact that wealth creation leads to broader prosperity. It’s not about trickle-down; it’s about understanding that the economy thrives on incentives and growth, not punitive redistribution

Money flows where it’s treated best. Lower tax rates encourage businesses to bank domestically rather than offshore, as we saw with Apple. The logic is straightforward—no rational business will choose to park its capital abroad if the environment at home is more favorable. The incentives are clear: make America an attractive place for capital, and capital will stay here, contributing to economic growth and higher tax receipts. The idea is self-evident; economic behavior follows incentives

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to writing my book. I hope this helps someone
It helped put it into perspective how idealistic and naive you are. What you laid out is technically correct and is how things might have worked 30 or 40 years ago. It's the type of thing you'd read in a textbook. Very well written, I give you that completely and your book should be a great read.

But the belief that 'companies will do right if we coddle them enough' is long dead thanks to various factors you choose to ignore. Greed number one among them.


Mar 11, 2022
Each time a President is blamed for the economy, everyone ignores manipulations by companies and major investors on segments of the economy. People are really made to be dumb and it's on purpose. :comeon:

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
It helped put it into perspective how idealistic and naive you are. What you laid out is technically correct and is how things might have worked 30 or 40 years ago. It's the type of thing you'd read in a textbook. Very well written, I give you that completely and your book should be a great read.

But the belief that 'companies will do right if we coddle them enough' is long dead thanks to various factors you choose to ignore. Greed number one among them.

I thought better than responding to someone trying to mansplain investment, but I think youre completely right.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
I thought better than responding to someone trying to mansplain investment, but I think youre completely right.
Fact is if greed is forefront a tax cut won't stop you from trying to outsource so you can save 70% on labor costs. Why? Because these guys have folks hired to make sure they pay as little in taxes as possible anyway. It's the biggest running political gag in history. Tax rate could be 90%. They'd just hire more folks to weasel out of paying them. It's worth it long term to hire more accountants to cook the numbers. If you believe in trickle down you have to deny a lot of stuff that has been playing out right before our eyes in the last 3 decades. Yet it still has a ton of folks that push it. It literally never works. It's mindblowing.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Each time a President is blamed for the economy, everyone ignores manipulations by companies and major investors on segments of the economy. People are really made to be dumb and it's on purpose. :comeon:
part of the job :yeshrug: you take the credit when things are good, you get the blame when shyt goes bad. they know what they're signing up for


May 23, 2012
I think the concept of "inflation" is in large part out of the Presidents control. We live in a capitalistic society. The price of things are always going up. Sure they go up a little faster at some times more than others, but they are always going up. I haven't heard anything from either candidate that would resolve this. And isn't it curious that during this "inflation" where the corporations costs are allegedly going up so they have to offset it with higher prices, that they are raking in record profits? The math ain't mathin'.


Jan 29, 2014
I think the concept of "inflation" is in large part out of the Presidents control. We live in a capitalistic society. The price of things are always going up. Sure they go up a little faster at some times more than others, but they are always going up. I haven't heard anything from either candidate that would resolve this. And isn't it curious that during this "inflation" where the corporations costs are allegedly going up so they have to offset it with higher prices, that they are raking in record profits? The math ain't mathin'.
There's more money in circulation. Why is there inflation? There's more money in circulation. Why are there record profits? There's more money in circulation.

Aside from that, we live in a society of corporatism

I thought better than responding to someone trying to mansplain investment, but I think youre completely right.
Super cringe. Hold some level of shame that prevents you from ever uttering such stupidity again. Let me install that for you.

If you’re accusing me of 'mansplaining,' you’re trying to shut down the conversation by labeling it, rather than engaging with the substance of what I’m saying. Arguments don’t have genders; they either hold up to scrutiny or they don’t. If you disagree with my points, feel free to challenge them with facts and logic instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks. Next time’s focus on the content of the discussion, not the gender of the person presenting it.

Hope you're better now

It helped put it into perspective how idealistic and naive you are. What you laid out is technically correct and is how things might have worked 30 or 40 years ago. It's the type of thing you'd read in a textbook. Very well written, I give you that completely and your book should be a great read.

But the belief that 'companies will do right if we coddle them enough' is long dead thanks to various factors you choose to ignore. Greed number one among them.

You're assuming that greed and self-interest are new phenomena, but they've always been part of the equation. The difference is that in a free-market economy, these motives are channeled into productive activity. Companies invest, innovate, and create value because it's in their self-interest. The idea that businesses would do better under heavy regulation or punitive taxation is not only unrealistic but counterproductive.

Greed is not unique to the private sector, it exists in government too. The question is not whether greed exists, but how the system manages it. A free-market economy aligns individual self-interest with societal benefit, whereas centralized control concentrates power in fewer hands, often leading to inefficiency and corruption

Nonetheless, thank you for response and kind words

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Damn....yall stuck....harris or trump

Both gonna fukk black america over but only 1 has yall glamorized

That is why I am not voting.

It's crazy seeing Black people attack other Black people for not voting.

Not voting for a person they are voting for or who they think you should be voting for.
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