Drinks Blood from a Boot
Killzone is a respectable franchise.
Killzone 2 has the GOAT level design of any console shooter that I've played, and it was rated as a AAA game across the board.
Killzone 2 for PlayStation 3 Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More - Metacritic
Killzone 2 for PlayStation 3 - GameRankings
That game was a classic and a technical masterpiece.
YOU casual nikkas whined about the controls on that marvelous game and they released Killzone 3:COD Edition for you and that game was a huge let down and step back from 2.
I'm not overly excited about this announcement because the last game was one of my most disappointing experiences of this gen. Even with that said, if they go back to the roots with it and build off of what Killzone 2 had going on the game will be good.
Bruh, this thread's sentiment tells the story about this franchise.
Your going by metacritic for why Killzone is good

Grand Theft Auto 4 was the highest rated game for a minute, now most ppl say it sucked

Top games get big budgets. Big budget games can't fail miserably or too much money would of been lost.
So especially in the gaming industry, ppl are paid off to give good reviews
Its called Payola. Sony has a ton of bootleg sites to boost the review numbers.
Let me show and prove to you why Killzone 2 was ass
Killzone 2 patch adds 'high precision' controls - Destructoid
But it wasn't once, they had to patch the game twice because GAMERS all said how horrible it controlled.
Not one, but two different patches that didn't come out for months to finally make the game playable online
After the patches, if you didn't play the game everyday. It was extremely UNBALANCED so new gamers couldn't even get into it
You built yourself up, and feasted on scrubs.
You felt good about that. Now hackers get to do the exact same shyt all day long

Unpolished 3 suffered the exact same fate, but who's counting...