Yeah, those are my groceries just bossing it up with plenty of space at the bus stop on a saturday.
You think it's empty cuz no one was waiting for the bus?
Nope there was about 2 dozen people at this stop mabe 1 dozen, but they all kept their distance from me and my food.
You know why?? CUz They FEAR & RESPECT me. They know better than to come near my food, I'm a god i'm amonster i'm jst somehing else no one has ever seen.
you never want to go to war with monster or mess with his food literlaly/figuratively etc
im pretty much above weveryobdy no one can ever hope to compete with me
when it comes to monster you either hop on the train
get out the way
or get ran over
edit: yes there's a grammer error in the poll, they won't loet me edit it so stfu about it
edit2: also this girl give me her number today at the grocery store, what do you think?
i'm already coming home to this though (keep that on the dl) so it's all good either way