That's how it usually goes if you are on a great team...running a straight line through the opponent.This god damn scripted match
I miss the combat...I might have to connect my desktop :wow2:
That's how it usually goes if you are on a great team...running a straight line through the opponent.This god damn scripted match
Gigabit switch over cat6 running a LAN game no doubt.
Lets see it run online over a wireless in house wifi connection. With players all around the world. It will LAG like a motherfukker im sure.
Especially if there's no dedicated servers (looking at you PS4)
I thought MG5 looked good..
That's how it usually goes if you are on a great team...running a straight line through the opponent.
I miss the combat...I might have to connect my desktop :wow2:
without the corny dialogue of course. Even though I am sure its better than hearing all the kids saying "******" over and over again on the 360.