The special punches weren't that bad and you lost a lot of stamina using them. Sanada is the only that had a "ridiculous" special, that I can think of. Some guys had specials that weren't specials like Bull Ushida, who's right body uppercut really took a lot out of opponents.
What I missed about VB that I wish was in FN was how the angle of punches, stamina, counters, parries, and momentum worked, also every boxer fought differently with his own strengths(if any) and weaknesses. Hate first I hated VB (think I lost to Mashiba like 8 times) before I learned how the game worked and change the controls.
I never got the sense of I could lose at any moment if I'm not careful in any of the Fight Night games I played, whereas I had right many losses in VB from me don't finishing off someone when I should've, or gunning for a KO.
That said, I LOVED the first Fight Night. I didn't touch VB for a long time once I got it.
Reason way I didn't like FN RD 2 was because every match I played ended up being a haymaker fest. Round 4 was a moved in the right direction, in my opinion.
I would just like a sim without some new special feature.