Price has been lowered for months due to the ending fiasco and controversy. You can probably find it on Amazon anywhere between $34-54.
gamestop price is about 44, it needs to drop below thirty for me to get again, I think the multiplayer is keeping the price up.
ME1, the most story but the gameplay will put you to sleep, only useful gun was a pistol, batarain dlc is cool for like a day, and the other dlc is only for leveling up, best single player game of 2007
ME2, gotta collect clips instead of worring about overheating, not as much story as 1 but the gameplay is way better even if vangard is useless on hard, much more dlc, I like being an engineer, collecting the team is pretty cool even if you can use most of them for ME3

game of the year 2010
ME3: the seriousness of final tone of the game is much appreciated, but the ball was dropped in a lot of places even before the final scene which I haven't played yet, stopped right before you go to Cerebus, The Prothean was a nice touch, but you can't used most of your team in 2. haven't played the dlc yet