Why should I keep my servers up to support people who are not my customer?
But in what time frame does it make a difference who plays it ? It's like apple charging a fee to someone for buying a used iPhone for cheaper than they sell it . And saying oh you shouldn't get iOS updates and stuff the server will be up and used during a good portion of a popular games life cycle worrying about who's using the purchased game is greed plain and simple I'm not allowed to lend out or sell my "own" property ? It's similar to the system modding thing and this type of behavior will only hurt aaa big console sales in the future ( years in the future is a different story people probably would pay for keeping up the servers in order to play that game online) the best nondouchy ways to get extra money is the season pass system which if it has alot of cool content most people will buy , goty editions or lowering prices quicker and simply making the lower price the same as a used copy plus 10 dollars .